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Department of Dielectrics

Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences


Theory and simulations

Home Research Highlights Projects Publications People
Group leader
Pavel Márton marton(a)fzu.cz domain wall and domain structure simulations within phenomenological and microscopic models
Pavel Baláž balaz(a)fzu.cz modeling of magnetic and dielectric materials
Václav Janiš janis(a)fzu.cz quantum phase transitions in itinerant systems, theory of spin glasses and other random systems, theory of strongly correlated electrons
Antonín Klíč klic(a)fzu.cz theory and modelling of ordering in ferroelectrics and glasses
Marek Paściak pasciak(a)fzu.cz ab-inito calculations and molecular dynamics, short-range order theory and experiments
Ivan Rychetský rychet(a)fzu.cz theory: structural phase transitions, properties of inhomogeneous systems, ferroics
Vilgelmina Stepkova stepkova(a)fzu.cz domain structure simulations, Ginzburg-Landau-Devonshire modeling
Mauro Gonçalves goncalves(a)fzu.cz ab-initio and molecular dynamics
Mónica Graf graf(a)fzu.cz atomistic simulations
PhD students
Dmytro Bohdanov bohdanov(a)fzu.cz ab-initio calculations
Jamil Eduardo Flores floresgon(a)fzu.cz short-range order theory and experiments
Mukeshkumar Khanore khanore(a)fzu.cz quantum coherence in correlated electron systems