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Department of Dielectrics

Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

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22.01.2025 Research

Creation, annihilation and transport of nonmagnetic antiskyrmions

Vilma Stepkova and Jirka Hlinka explored by phase-field simulations how an electric field can be used to create or move antiskyrmions within a monodomain ferroelectric matrix [J. Appl. Phys. 137, 034102 (2025)]. The antiskyrmion annihilation highlighted the front cover of the January issue of Journal of Applied Physics.

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05.11.2024 Research

Dipolar liquid in the solid phase

Researchers from the Department of Dielectrics together with their colleagues from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University have succeeded for the first time in observing an electrical analogue of the spin liquid in EuAl12O19 [Adv. Mater. 36, 2410282 (2024)].

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02.10.2024 Research

Competing synclinic and anticlinic interactions in smectic phases of bent-core mesogens

In collaboration with University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, and Warsaw University, Vladimíra Novotná and Natalia Podoliak studied new sophisticated molecular systems, which form structurally complex synclinic and anticlinic phases [J. Mater. Chem. C 12,10903 (2024)]. The texture observed in the polarized light microscope and the molecular structure is highlighted in the inside back cover of the 29th issue of Journal of Materials Chemistry C.

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30.09.2024 Media

Researchers’ Night at the Liquid Crystals lab

Natalia Podoliak and Petr Ondrejkovič participated in the Researchers’ Night with an educational excursion called "Fairy tale about a little Liquid Crystal" aimed for children aged 6-12. A short announcement about this activity was broadcasted by the Czech TV in the main TV news (27.9.2024) and the news program about science named "Věda 24" (29.9.2024).

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08.03.2024 Exhibition

Vladimíra Novotná - The beauty of liquid crystals

The exhibition is hosted by The small gallery of scientific images at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague (Ke Karlovu 3, 1st floor). and will last from 5.3. to 6.5.2024. The opening takes place on March 11, 2024 from 5:00 p.m.

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20.10.2023 Award

Anna Radochová won the Czech Head Award 2023 (České hlavičky) for secondary school students

Anna Radochová received this prestigious award in the category UNIVERSUM for her successful project "Properties of new photosensitive liquid crystals" under supervision of Alexej Bubnov. The ceremony will be broadcasted by the Czech Television on the 18th of November 2023.

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19.08.2023 Media

LK-99 might have been the Holy Grail of solid state physics

Recent publication of the room-temperature ambient-pressure superconductor called LK-99 [1] aroused public debate. Stanislav Kamba and Václav Janiš contributed to this hot topic by giving an interview to news media Seznam zprávy and Lidovky.

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05.07.2023 Research

Charged domain walls in BaTiO3 crystals emerging from superdomain boundaries

Petr Bednyakov and Jirka Hlinka observed a transient domain structure with multiple superdomains whose boundaries transform into charged domain walls in BaTiO3 [Adv. Electron. Mater. 9, 2300005 (2023)]. These superdomains highlighted the inside front cover of the June issue of Advanced Electronic Materials.

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Jan Petzelt is ranked #8 in Czech Republic among Best Materials Science Scientists

According to the 2nd edition of Research.com ranking, Jan Petzelt holds the 8th place in the Czech Republic and the overall 3564th place in the Ranking of Best Scientists in the field of Materials Science 2023.

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12.12.2022 Award

Karel Tesař received the Stanislav Hanzl award

Karel Tesař, a PhD student at the Department of Dielectrics and at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, won the Stanislav Hanzl award which is presented to best students of the Czech Technical University in Prague on the occasion of the International Student Day (on November 17, 2022).

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21.11.2022 Award

Best three places in the FZU Photo Competition 2022 taken by our department

Alexey Bubnov won the FZU Photo Competition 2022. by his beautiful image of liquid crystal texture.
Manas Ranjan Parida received the 2nd place for his SEM image of V2O5 nanoflower,
Fedir Borodavka & Vladimir Pushkarev got the 3rd place for their artistic picture of a superlattice roll.

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New Research Professor in Department of Dielectrics

We are happy to announce that Stanislav Kamba has received the Research Professor degree for his outstanding and o riginal scientific work in condensed matter physics, presented in his dissertation: Soft-mode spectroscopy of ferroelectrics and multiferroics.

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Open Science internships at the Institute of Physics open doors to universities worldwide

In 2018, a secondary school student, Nela Sedláčková has undertaken a one-year Open Science internship under supervision of Alexej Bubnov. At present, she is enjoying the studies of Physics at University of St Andrews supported by The Kellner Family Foundation and says: “I am convinced that the Open Science played the key role in my admittance to university in abroad”.

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Silver medal for young scientists

Team of secondary school students (nicknamed NAFTA), consisting of M. Švanda (captain), T. Čajan, B. Růžičková, P. Štencl and M. Yurchenko, representing the Czech Republic in the 35th International Young Physicists Tournament was awarded a silver medal!

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07.07.2022 Award

Dalibor Repček won the Student Poster Competition at ISAF 2022

Dalibor was awarded for his excellent poster presentation named Multiferroic Quantum Criticality in (Eu,Ba,Sr)TiO3 System in the Student Poster Competition at the International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF) within the joint ISAF-PFM-ECAPD conference held in Tours, France from June 27 to July 1, 2022.

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30.05.2022 Award

PhD students succeeded in the Young Researcher Competition of the XXIV Czech-Polish seminar

Vladimir Pushkarev, Dalibor Repček, and André Maia shined in the Young Researcher Competition, consisting of a two-minute talk and a poster presentation, at the XXIV Czech-Polish seminar.

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Young researcher brings ERC Starting Grant to our department

It is our pleasure to announce that the Solid-state materials science group led by Přemysl Vaněk will be strengthened by a young researcher Tim Verhagen. The main goal of his ERC Starting Grant is to create unique, however reproducible, multilayered heterostructures with ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties at room temperature.

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Václav Janovec has passed away

One of the founders of the Department of Dielectrics, outstanding scientist, editor and teacher, enthusiastic promoter of symmetry approaches to ferroic phase transitions and domain boundaries, Prof. Václav Janovec, our beloved friend and colleague Vašek, has passed away on February 16, 2022, at the age of his almost complete 92.

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15.02.2022 Award

Alexey Bubnov took the 2nd place in the FZU Photo Competition 2021

Alexey Bubnov defended his second place in the FZU Photo Competition 2021. Moreover, he obtained 4th and 10-11th places for his images of liquid crystal textures in polarised light microscope. Futhermore, Maryam Mansoori Kermani and Fedir Borodavka got 5-9th and 10-11th place, respectively.

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28.01.2022 Research

Charge transport in single-crystalline GaAs nanobars: impact of band bending revealed by terahertz spectroscopy

Petr Kužel and co-workers found that a band bending close to the GaAs nanobar surfaces and its prominent effects on the picosecond charge carrier dynamics, leading to an enhanced localization of electrons at longer times [Adv. Funct. Mater. 32,, 2107403 (2022)]. Arrays of ultimate-quality single-crystalline GaAs nanobars highlighted the inside back cover of the January issue of Advanced Functional Materials.

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Jožka Holakovský has passed away

On September 28, 2021, at the age of 82, our former colleague prom. Josef Holakovský, CSc. passed away. After graduating from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague as a theoretical physicist, he joined the Department of Dielectrics in 1968 and ten years later defended his dissertation "Ferroelectric and Antiferroelectric Phase Transition of the Order Type in Mixed Crystals", submitted in 1973).

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05.11.2021 Research

Picosecond nonlinear optoelectronics in graphene

Petr Kužel and Vaisakh Chelod Paingad in collaboration with colleagues from the Charles University described nonlinear behavior of charge carriers during early times after pulsed optical excitation in epitaxially grown graphene layers. The time evolution of the system is determined by nonlinear electronic response of graphene, which opens the possibility of the increase of the speed of optoelectronic elements [Adv. Funct. Mater. 31, 2105763 (2021)].

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18.10.2021 Award

Second place for Pavel Baláž in Photogenic Science Competition 2021

A photo of (un)usual window cleaning during home office brought the second place to Pavel Baláž in the category of ‘Scientists and Home Office’. The competition is organized by the Czech Academy of Sciences and by the association Science is Alive! (Věda žije! in Czech) and its aim is to promote science by intriguing photos taken by scientists.

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30.09.2021 Award

Karel Tesař took the 2nd place in the Falling Walls Lab competition

Karel Tesař was awarded for 'breaking the wall' with his project 'Post sternotomy chest pain' at Falling Walls Lab Wroclaw on 29 September 2021.

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16.04.2021 Research

Subterahertz collective dynamics of polar vortices

An artist take on the 'whirling' vibrational mode revealed in the polar vortex structure of PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattices [Nature 592, 376 (2021)] to highlight the front cover of the April issue of Nature.

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18.02.2021 Research

Perovskites and other Framework Structure Materials

E. Buixaderas in collaboration with Prof. J. Dec contributed with the chapter: “Phonons and relaxations in unfilled tetragonal tungsten-bronzes” to a new book titled "Perovskites and other Framework Structure Materials: new trends and perspectives", published by Collaborating Academics IP, France.

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04.02.2021 Research

Special Issue on the Contributions of Women in Ferroelectrics Research

Impressive schematic of the crystal structure of the tetragonal tungsten-bronze family made by Elena Buixaderas has been selected for the front cover in the IEEE TUFFC Special Issue on the Contributions of Women in Ferroelectrics Research and Development.

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05.01.2021 Research

From superlattices to supercrystals

Researchers from Department of Dielectrics, in a world-wide collaboration led by Dr. Pavlo Zubko from University College London, have found that in superlattices, composed of layers of a ferroelectric material separated by thin metallic spacers, electric dipoles form an unusual pattern of nanoscale domains that order in three dimensions to create a ‘domain supercrystal’, exhibiting outstanding dielectric response.

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03.12.2020 Media

Researchers' Night in the THz lab

Petr Kužel and his colleagues from the THz science and technology group introduced their research themes in a  general public video during the European Researchers' Night.

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02.12.2020 Award

Online art opening of the FZU Photo Competition 2020

Within European Researchers' Night on 27. November 2020 an online art opening of the FZU Photo Competition was performed. Alexey Bubnov got the 2nd place for his image of a beautiful liquid crystal texture resembling the Sun’s corona.

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26.11.2020 Research

Photocontrollable photonic crystals

Researchers from Institute of Physics in collaboration with Lomonosov Moscow State University elaborated novel photocontrollable photonic crystals based on porous silicon filled with photochromic liquid crystalline mixture. In their recent joint paper, whose figure highlighted the back cover of the November issue of Advanced Optical Materials, they demonstrated that these photonic crystals have great potential for creation of photoswitchable materials for photonics applications.

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10.11.2020 Research

Emergent functional properties of ferroic materials with topological defects

A domain pattern with multiple polar domain walls in non-polar CaTiO3 from a topical review article: “Domain-wall engineering and topological defects in ferroelectric and ferroelastic materials” highlighted the front cover of the November issue of Nature Reviews Physics.

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25.08.2020 Research

First book on functional ferroelectric domain walls

P. Ondrejkovic, P. Marton, V. Stepkova and J. Hlinka contributed by the chapter: “Fundamental properties of ferroelectric domain walls from Ginzburg-Landau models” to a new book titled “Domain Walls: From Fundamental Properties to Nanotechnology Concepts” published by Oxford University Press.

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03.08.2020 Award

Jirka Hlinka got the 2020 Ferroelectrics Recognition Award by IEEE UFFC Society

The Ferroelectrics Recognition Award by the IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroeelctrics and Frequency Control Society went to Jirka Hlinka for “his outstanding contributions to fundamental theoretical and experimental studies of ferroelectrics, relaxor ferroelectrics and multiferroics”.

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01.07.2020 Media

Popular cartoon video about smart materials

Teťana Ostapčuk contributed as a scientific guarantor to a popular cartoon video about piezoelectric materials, shape memory alloys, photo-, thermo-, electro- and magnetochromic materials and their applications (in Czech only).

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18.05.2020 Award

Karel Tesař among winners of the Materials Today Cover Competition 2019

Karel's photo taken by an electron microscope succeeded in the Materials Today Cover Competition 2019. So-called 'Uncovered article' about biodegradable magnesium implants, closely related to the winning photo, has been recently published in Materials Today.

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28.02.2020 Research

A new class of ferroelectric materials suggested

Using strain engineering, researchers obtained a transitional ferroelectric state in BaTiO3, which exhibits high piezoelectric and dielectric coefficients in a wide temperature range [1].

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09.01.2020 Research

New material for 5G mobile networks

Stanislav Kamba, Veronica Goian and Christelle Kadlec, in collaboration with Prof. D. G. Schlom from the Cornell University and other American and German colleagues, succeeded in developing a new material for mobile network of the 5th generation.

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02.12.2019 Award

John Mangeri and Alexey Bubnov succeeded in FZU Photo Competition

John Mangeri won the second place in the FZU Photo Competition for his image of a computational simulation of a BaTiO3 nanoparticle (see Figure 1). Alexey Bubnov got the 3rd-4th place for his image of a beautiful liquid crystal texture seen under polarized light microscope (see Figure 2).

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21.10.2019 Award

Vladimira Novotna was awarded the 2nd place in Photogenic Science Competition 2019

Photos of liquid crystals under a polarized microscope brought the second place to Vladimira Novotna in the category of ‘Photogenic Science’. The competition is organized by the Czech Academy of Sciences and by the association Science is Alive! (Věda žije! in Czech) and its aim is to evaluate photos related to science.

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TOPO2019 organized by Department of Dielectrics and by Czech Physical Society

The 5th International Workshop on Topological Structures in Ferroic Materials (TOPO2019) took place in Průhonice and Prague on June 16–20. The conference was organized by the Czech Physical Society and by the Department of Dielectrics of FZU with Jiří Hlinka being the conference chair.

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The 11th Dvorak lecture given by Prof. Ramamoorthy Ramesh

This year the annual Dvořák lecture will be given by Prof. R. Ramesh, an outstanding expert in multiferroics - the research field very close to Vladimír Dvořák's scientific expertise. His talk called 'Electric Field Control of Magnetism: From Global Markets to Spin Orbit Coupling' is going to be given on Friday, June 21st, 2019 at 14:00 at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Na Slovance 2, 182 21 Praha 8, Czech Republic

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Special issue in honor of Jan Petzelt

A special Issue of Ferroelectrics was dedicated to Dr. Jan Petzelt in recognition of his contributions to the scientific community on the occasion of his 77th birthday. His brilliant scientific career over past five decades was summarized by S. Kamba et al. in the editorial. His professional impact and friendly personality are well expressed in tributes to Jan written by J. Hlinka, E. Buixaderas, and G. W. Taylor. See all contributions.

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Bohuslav Březina obituary

Ing. Bohuslav Březina, CSc. passed away on February 4, 2019.

After obtaining his PhD in 1955 he joined the Ceramic Research Institute in Klenčí and Hradec Králové. In 1957 he joined the Institute of Physics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences where he focused on growing single crystals exhibiting ferroelectric properties. He conducted a truly pioneering research in a dramatically developing field.

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EXPRO project called ‘Ferroelectric Skyrmions’ for Department of Dielectrics

The team of Jirka Hlinka succeeded in the new EXPRO programme of the Czech Science Foundation, aimed at “high risk - high gain” five-year projects along the idea of the European prestigious ERC programme. The research project is devoted to discovery of skyrmions in ferroelectric materials.

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14.12.2017 Media

Scientists under surveillance - Hynek Němec

Hynek Němec was the 5th guest in a series of video interviews with Czech scientists within a project called Vědci pod mikroskopem (Scientists under surveillance) which is organized by the department of the Deputy Prime Minister for Science, Research and Innovation.
If you want learn some basic ideas about photovoltaic batteries from nanoparticles, terahertz spectroscopy, temporary situation in solid state physics in the Czech Republic etc., listen to the full interview (in Czech only).

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03.12.2017 Award

First place for Alexey Bubnov in Czech WSC 2017

Alexey Bubnov won the first place In the category of image sets in the Czech version of the international Wiki Science Competition (WSC) which was brought to life to encourage the creation and, especially, the free sharing of all sorts of imagery about the sciences.

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13.09.2017 Media

Electromagnon Dance - popular video about electromagnons

PhD student Stella Skiadopoulou created a popular video explaining principle of spin waves excited by electric component of electromagnetic radiation.

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28.07.2017 Media

Prime importance is the teamwork in physics

Hynek Němec is one the organizers of Young Physicists Tournament in the Czech Republic. Recently, students of Mendel secondary school in Opava, who won in the national competition, got a silver medal in a competition of 31 teams from all over the world. The International Young Physicists Tournament took place in Singapore from 5th to 12th July 2017. Hynek actually had won the same compotation 20 years ago and nowadays he helps the current students. Listen the whole interview (in Czech only).

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15.12.2016 Award

Alexey Bubnov was awarded the 2nd place in Photogenic Science Competition 2016

Photos of liquid crystals under a polarized microscope brought the second place to Alexey Bubnov in the category of ‘Photogenic Science’. The competition is organized by the Czech Academy of Sciences and by the association Science is Alive! (Věda žije! in Czech) and its aim is to evaluate photos related to science.

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Prof. Jan Fousek died

Prof. Jan Fousek, after a long disease, passed away on September 4 at the age of 86. Except for small interruptions, within 1958-1990 he headed the Department of Dielectrics of the Institute of Physics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences.

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20.08.2016 Award

Jan Petzelt obtained Award of the ECAPD International Committee

The former head of the Department of Dielectrics, Dr. Jan Petzelt, was awarded a prestigious award of the scientific community. During the recent international scientific symposium in Darmstadt ( ECAPD-ISAF-PFM 2016, 21-15.8.2016), he became the first holder of the newly created Award of the ECAPD International Committee. He was recognized for his lifelong contribution to understanding ferroelectric materials through broadband spectroscopy of ferroelectric, relaxor and low-loss dielectric materials.

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10.03.2016 Award

Honorable Ernst Mach award for Jan Petzelt

Jan Petzelt received a honorable Ernst Mach medal awarded by the Czech Academy of Sciences in recognition of his long-standing research in physics.

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10.06.2015 Media

Hynek Němec in Hyde Park Civilization

Laureates of the Neuron Award 2015 in the category of Young Scientists were guests of Hyde Park Civilization. Among them Hynek Němec who obtained the award for physics.

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12.05.2015 Award

Neuron Award 2015 for Hynek Němec

On the 6th May 2015 Hynek Němec obtained prestigious Neuron Award in the category of Young Scientists. The award is annually presented to researches under 40 for their outstanding scientific results.