Creation, annihilation and transport of nonmagnetic antiskyrmions
Vilma Stepkova and Jirka Hlinka explored by phase-field simulations how an electric field can be used to create or move antiskyrmions within a monodomain ferroelectric matrix [J. Appl. Phys. 137, 034102 (2025)]. The antiskyrmion annihilation highlighted the front cover of the January issue of Journal of Applied Physics.
Abstract: Atomistic model calculations [1] recently revealed that the polarization pattern at the cross section through nanoscale ferroelectric nanodomains in rhombohedral barium titanate shows a clear antiskyrmion attributes such as the net invariant topological charge of minus two. The present work [2] confirms that these topological defects also exist as local minima in the discretized Ginzburg–Landau–Devonshire model, which is widely used in phase-field modeling studies. We explore by phase-field simulations how an electric field can be used to create or move antiskyrmions within a monodomain ferroelectric matrix. The process of field-induced antiskyrmion annihilation reveals the existence of a discrete ladder of intermediate antiskyrmion states with distinct radii but common symmetry, topology, and geometrical properties.

Annihilation of the antiskyrmion induced by an electric field [2].
The left panel shows the elastic Gibbs free energy density and
the right panel presents the antiskyrmion collapse (arrows
show the in-plane components of polarization field; colors stand for the invariant skyrmion density).

The front cover of the January issue of Journal of Applied Physics illustrated by antiskyrmion patterns and its free energy during the antiskyrmion collapse [2].
[1] M. A. P. Gonçalves, M. Paściak, and J. Hlinka
Antiskyrmions in ferroelectric barium titanate,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 066802 (2024).
[2] V. Stepkova and J. Hlinka
Creation, annihilation and transport of nonmagnetic antiskyrmions within Ginzburg–Landau–Devonshire model,
J. Appl. Phys. 137, 034102 (2025).

Dipolar liquid in the solid phase
Researchers from the Department of Dielectrics together with their colleagues from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University have succeeded for the first time in observing an electrical analogue of the spin liquid in EuAl12O19 [Adv. Mater. 36, 2410282 (2024)].
The degree of ordering in solids has a very important impact on their physical properties and the ensuing applications. For example, magnetic atoms frequently form so-called antiferromagnetic order, where the magnetic moments (spins) of the nearest neighbors in the crystal lattice are oriented in mutually opposite (antiparallel) directions, since this allows lowering the overall energy. A preferred antiparallel orientation of spins in a triangular lattice leads to the so-called frustration of the system. Indeed, the third atom in the triangle “does not know” how to direct its spin (as shown in Fig. 1a); moreover, the role of the “third” will be played alternately by any of the concerned atoms. This interaction leads to a dynamical disorder of the spins in the system, and it has been known for quite some time that the so-called spin liquid can be formed under suitable circumstances. This disordered state behaves analogically to a classical liquid in many aspects, but upon a decrease in temperature, the system does not freeze, but it stays in a dynamic liquid state down to the absolute zero temperature.
Researchers from the Department of Dielectrics at FZU together with their colleagues from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University have succeeded for the first time in observing an electrical analogue of the spin liquid in EuAl12O19 [1]. This crystal exhibits a complex behavior: one can observe both magnetic responses due to interactions among the spins carried by europium atoms and electrical properties owing to a specific ordering of aluminum and oxygen ions. The crystal lattice contains bipyramides AlO5 sitting in a triangular structure (Fig. 1b). Oxygen anions form a cage, in which the aluminum cation may move to some extent. The electrical response of the material is then related to the displacement of Al cations with respect to the center of the negatively charged cage, forming an electric dipole.

Figure 1: (a) Triangular lattice with magnetic moments preferring antiparallel alignment. (b) Electrical analogue observed in EuAl12O19. We show a substructure consisting of three AlO5 units, where an Al cation is enclosed inside a bipyramid formed by 5 oxygen anions (red). The displacement upwards (orange bipyramid) or downwards (blue bipyramid) of Al ion leads to two antiparallel electric dipoles. The white bipyramid illustrates the role of the third “frustrated” element.
The dynamics of these dipoles are very important for the response of the crystal. At room temperature, Al ions oscillate at terahertz frequencies and their motion is independent of the neighboring bipyramids; upon cooling, the motion progressively slows down towards GHz and MHz frequencies. A qualitative change occurs at the temperature of 49 K: the neighboring dipoles start to influence each other, and a strong correlation is established in the triangle, leading to the birth of the dipolar liquid.
The motion of dipoles continuously slows down upon cooling and freezes at the absolute zero temperature. The described behavior is reflected in the measured dielectric spectra (see Fig. 2). Formation of the frustrated antipolar phase is documented by a wide ensemble of our results. Besides the mentioned dielectric spectra, it is namely the synchrotron x-ray diffraction, measurements of the specific heat, acoustic and optic vibrations of the crystal lattice, the heat expansion, and the electric polarization of the material; it was also confirmed by first-principle calculations.
The discovery of dipolar liquid in EuAl12O19 will certainly motivate other scientific groups to search for such unusual behavior in other compounds. Indeed, under certain conditions, a quantum dipolar liquid can be formed, which might be useful for applications in quantum computers due to a long-range quantum entanglement of the dipoles

Figure 2: Permittivity of EuAl12O19 as a function temperature at electric field frequencies. Changes in the behavior at 49 K are related to the formation of the dipolar liquid.
[1] G. Bastien, D. Repček, A. Eliáš, A. Kancko, Q. Courtade, T. Haidamak, M. Savinov, V. Bovtun, M. Kempa, K. Carva, M. Vališka, P. Doležal, M. Kratochvílová, S. A. Barnett, P. Proschek, J. Prokleška, C. Kadlec, P. Kužel, R. H. Colman, and S. Kamba, A frustrated antipolar phase analogous to classical spin liquids, Adv. Mater. 36, 2410282 (2024).
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Competing synclinic and anticlinic interactions in smectic phases of bent-core mesogens
In collaboration with University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, and Warsaw University, Vladimíra Novotná and Natalia Podoliak studied new sophisticated molecular systems, which form structurally complex synclinic and anticlinic phases [J. Mater. Chem. C 12,10903 (2024)]. The texture observed in the polarized light microscope and the molecular structure is highlighted in the inside back cover of the 29th issue of Journal of Materials Chemistry C.
Abstract: Recent studies on liquid crystals have focused on structurally new molecular systems forming phases distinct from simple nematic or smectic ones. Sophisticated molecular shapes may reveal structural complexity, combining helicity and polarity. Mirror symmetry-breaking in bent-core molecules can lead to a propensity for synclinic and anticlinic molecular structures within consecutive smectic layers. On the other hand, despite their achiral character, dimers readily adopt helical phases. In this study, we investigate a hybrid molecular structure incorporating both characteristics, namely a rigid bent-core and an attached bulky polar group via a flexible spacer. To perform phase identification, we enrich standard experimental methods with sophisticated resonant soft X-ray scattering technique. Notably, we observe a distinct preference for specific phase types depending on the length of the homologue. Longer homologues exhibit a predisposition towards the formation of tilted smectic phases, which are characterized by complex sequences of synclinic and anticlinic interfaces. Conversely, shorter homologues demonstrate a propensity for helical smectic structures. For intermediate homologues, the frustration is alleviated through the formation of several modulated smectic phases. O n the basis of the presented study, we describe the preconditions for high-level structures in relation to conflicting constraints.

The inside back cover illustrated by a liquid crystal texture of the smectic phase as seen in polarized light microscope [1].
[1] J. Svoboda, V. Kozmík, K. Bajzíková, M. Kohout, V. Novotná, N. Podoliak, D. Pociecha, and E. Gorecka,
Competing synclinic and anticlinic interactions in smectic phases of bent-core mesogens
J. Mater. Chem. C 12, 10903 (2024).

Researchers’ Night at the Liquid Crystals lab
Natalia Podoliak and Petr Ondrejkovič participated in the Researchers’ Night with an educational excursion called "Fairy tale about a little Liquid Crystal" aimed for children aged 6-12. A short announcement about this activity was broadcasted by the Czech TV in the main TV news (27.9.2024) and the news program about science named "Věda 24" (29.9.2024).
Natalia and Petr take children to a mysterious world of the laboratory where the little Liquid Crystal was born. This little dab hand, who inherited many special and unique qualities from his father Crystal and mother Liquid, welcomes children to his home. Children and their parents learn about his story and how he discovered a lot of talents and a desire to help people over the time. During the interactive and playful performance, they learn how LCD screens and polarized glasses work, and where you come across liquid crystals in your everyday life.

will learn and see during the excursion (source: Czech TV).

Researchers’ Night was initiated by the European Commission in 2005 and its mission is to show that science is not boring, but on the contrary is a source of interesting and fascinating phenomena. One day a year, universities, research and development centres, science centres, and other places open with free guided tours, popular education presentations, workshops, experiments, science shows, music, and performances, amongst others, taking place. The aim of Researchers’ Night is to dispel myths about scientists as people locked in laboratories and to show the general public that they are “ordinary people” who do work for each of us, they can present it in an engaging way, and they can also have a good time.
More information about the Researchers’ Night at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences: https://www.nocvedcu.cz/organizace/fyzikalni-ustav-av-cr.
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Vladimíra Novotná - The beauty of liquid crystals
The exhibition is hosted by The small gallery of scientific images at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague (Ke Karlovu 3, 1st floor). and will last from 5.3. to 6.5.2024. The opening takes place on March 11, 2024 from 5:00 p.m.

The exhibition presents impressive paterns of liquid crystals when viewed in the polarized light of an optical microscope. Most of the photographs were created during the observation of new types of molecules. On cooling from the liquid phase, a nematic phase may appear, its nuclei are colored and different types of defects and arrangements appear. This strongly depends on the surface of the sample, the temperature and the properties of the studied substance.

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Anna Radochová won the Czech Head Award 2023 (České hlavičky) for secondary school students
Anna Radochová received this prestigious award in the category UNIVERSUM for her successful project "Properties of new photosensitive liquid crystals" under supervision of Alexej Bubnov. The ceremony will be broadcasted by the Czech Television on the 18th of November 2023.
Anna’s success started in 2021 with her intention to undertake an internship at the Czech Academy of Sciences within the Open Science framework. Among many announced research projects, she was attracted by Alexej Bubnov’s proposal on liquid crystals mainly because of wide usage of liquid crystals in daily life, like in smartphones, and their broad potential in future applications. As a secondary school student from the Bohumil Hrabal high school in Nymburk, Anna successfully completed her one-year internship under supervision of Alexej Bubnov and Věra Hamplová in the Liquid Crystal group of the Department of Dielectrics and in the Department of Chemistry.

She studied newly synthesized liquid crystals with photosensitive properties by observation of their beautiful textures using polarizing optical microscope and by investigation of their phase transition temperatures by measuring heat capacity. To uncover photosensitivity of these liquid crystals, she measured and analyzed absorption spectra and their structure changes under the UV light. At the end of her Open Science internship, Anna has also presented her results in a traditional national contest for all kinds of high school students called Students` Professional Activities. She got the 5th place in the category Physics with contribution titled “Properties of newly synthesized liquid crystals”.

Recently, the quality of her project titled "Properties of new photosensitive liquid crystals" was recognized by the committee of the Czech Head Award for secondary school students. On October 16, Anna won the 1st place in the category UNIVERSUM which is devoted to experimental and theoretical studies and projects in the field of physics and mathematics, especially with the potential for practical use. The ceremony will be broadcasted by the Czech Television on the 18th of November 2023. Nowadays, Anna continues her studies at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University.
The aim of the Open Science is to provide an access to scientific work for talented students already during their high school studies. Researchers from the Czech Academy of Sciences annually announce internships within the framework of the Open Science.


LK-99 might have been the Holy Grail of solid state physics
Recent publication of the room-temperature ambient-pressure superconductor called LK-99 [1] aroused public debate. Stanislav Kamba and Václav Janiš contributed to this hot topic by giving an interview to news media Seznam zprávy and Lidovky.
Since the first announcement on the 22nd July 2023 (English version), this discovery of the room-temperature superconducting material LK-99 at ambient pressure [1] raised many questions, hopes, but also suspicious judgments (including an updated version [2]). For example, authors showed that only one part of the LK-99 sample levitates and the other does not (see figure). “This, as well as the non-homogeneous color of the sample in the photographs in the work, indicates that it is not homogeneous, i.e. uniform ” said Stanislav Kamba to Seznam zprávy [3].

Václav Janiš concluded his interview to Lidovky [4] by words: “It is certainly an impetus for further screening and investigation. It's worth going in that direction. It may turn out that the material is not really superconducting, but even if it wasn't, it could still be useful. Anyway - if it is the holy grail of solid state physics remains to be seen.”
The full story of the LK-99 can be followed at Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LK-99.
References[1] S. Lee, J.-H. Kim, and Y.-W. Kwon, The first room-temperature ambient-pressure superconductor, arXiv:2307.12008 (2023). https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.12008.
[2] S. Lee, J. Kim, H.-T. Kim, S. Im, S. An, and K. H. Auh, Superconductor Pb10−xCux(PO4)6O showing levitation at room temperature and atmospheric pressure and mechanism, arXiv:2307.12037 (2023). https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.12037.
[3] M. Lázňovský, Levitující vlaky, dokonalé dráty. Korejci tvrdí, že mají „normální“ supravodič, Seznam Zprávy, 28. 7. 2023, https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/clanek/tech-levitujici-vlaky-a-dokonale-draty-korejci-tvrdi-ze-maji-revolucni-objev-234721.
[4] R. Johm, Nobelova cena, nebo podvod? Případný objev supravodiče může být podle experta Janiše fyzikální svatý grál, Lidovky, 3. 8. 2023, https://www.lidovky.cz/orientace/veda/korejsti-vedci-supravodic-objev-lidstvo-planeta.A230802_201052_ln_veda_atv?zdroj=LN_otvirak. (show less)

Charged domain walls in BaTiO3 crystals emerging from superdomain boundaries
Petr Bednyakov and Jirka Hlinka observed a transient domain structure with multiple superdomains whose boundaries transform into charged domain walls in BaTiO3 [Adv. Electron. Mater. 9, 2300005 (2023)]. These superdomains highlighted the inside front cover of the June issue of Advanced Electronic Materials.
Abstract: Previous experiments with barium titanate crystals [1,2] have shown that electric field applied in the vicinity of its ferroelectric phase transition can be used to introduce peculiar ferroelectric domain walls, persisting to the ambient conditions: head-to-head charged walls compensated by the 2D electron gas. The present in situ optical observations [3] allow the documentation of the early stage of this poling process in which the cubic and ferroelectric phases coexist, the latter being broken into multiple martensitic superdomains, separated by superdomain boundaries. It is revealed that the transient superdomains are subsequently converted into the regular ferroelectric domains, while the superdomain boundaries transform into the desired charged domain walls. In order to assign the observed transient domain patterns, to understand the shapes of the observed ferroelectric precipitates and their agglomerates as well as to provide the overall interpretation of the recorded domain formation process, the implications of the mechanical compatibility of the coexisting superdomain states are derived in the framework of the Wechsler–Lieberman–Read theory. These results also suggest that both the electric conductivity and interlinked motion of the superdomain boundaries and phase fronts are involved in the transport of the compensating charge carriers toward the charged domain wall location.

The inside front cover of the June issue of Advanced Electronic Materials illustrated by a transient domain structure with multiple superdomains containing bundles of stripe ferroelastic subdomains in BaTiO3 [3].
[1] P. S. Bednyakov, T. Sluka, A. K. Tagantsev, D. Damjanovic, N. Setter,
Formation of charged ferroelectric domain walls with controlled periodicity,
Sci. Rep. 5, 15819 (2015).
[2] P. Bednyakov, T. Sluka, A. Tagantsev, D. Damjanovic, N. Setter,
Free-carrier-compensated charged domain walls produced with super-bandgap illumination in insulating ferroelectrics,
Adv. Mater. 28, 9498 (2016).
[3] P. S. Bednyakov and J. Hlinka,
Charged domain walls in BaTiO3 crystals emerging from superdomain boundaries,
Adv. Electron. Mater. 9, 2300005 (2023).

Jan Petzelt is ranked #8 in Czech Republic among Best Materials Science Scientists
According to the 2nd edition of Research.com ranking, Jan Petzelt holds the 8th place in the Czech Republic and the overall 3564th place in the Ranking of Best Scientists in the field of Materials Science 2023.
Jan Petzelt is an internationally accepted authority in solid state physics. Throughout his long career in the Department of Dielectrics at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences he has contributed to development of physics of dielectric materials. His scientific publications have more than 7000 citations (h-index 56). Since the 1990s he has focused on the investigation of application-attractive materials, particularly ferroelectric thin films and ceramics, relaxor ferroelectrics, novel ferroelectric nanocomposites with considerable dielectric properties and their broadband dielectric spectroscopy.
Top five of his most cited publications:
Z. Kutnjak J. Petzelt, and R. Blinc,
The giant electromechanical response in ferroelectric relaxors as a critical phenomenon,
Nature 441, 956 (2006). -
S. Kamba, D. Nuzhnyy, M. Savinov, J. Šebek, J. Petzelt, J. Prokleška, R. Haumont, and J. Kreise,
Infrared and terahertz studies of polar phonons and magnetodielectric effect in multiferroic BiFeO3 ceramics,
Phys. Rev. B 75, 024403 (2007). -
J. Petzelt, T. Ostapchuk, I. Gregora, I. Rychetský, S. Hoffmann-Eifert, A. V. Pronin, Y. Yuzyuk, B. P. Gorshunov, S. Kamba, V. Bovtun, J. Pokorný, M. Savinov, V. Porokhonskyy, D. Rafaja, P. Vaněk, A. Almeida, M. R. Chaves, A. A. Volkov, M. Dressel, and R. Waser,
Dielectric, infrared, and Raman response of undoped SrTiO3 ceramics: Evidence of polar grain boundaries,
Phys. Rev. B 64, 184111 (2001). -
S.Kamba, V. Porokhonskyy, A. Pashkin, V. Bovtun, J. Petzelt, J. C. Nino, S. Trolier-McKinstry, M. T. Lanagan, and C. A. Randall,
Anomalous broad dielectric relaxation in Bi1.5Zn1.0Nb1.5O7 pyrochlore,
Phys. Rev. B 66, 054106 (2002). -
J. Hlinka, T. Ostapchuk, D. Nuzhnyy, J. Petzelt, P. Kuzel, C. Kadlec, P. Vanek, I. Ponomareva, and L. Bellaiche,
Coexistence of the phonon and relaxation soft modes in the terahertz dielectric response of tetragonal BaTiO3,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101,167402 (2008).
About the Research.com ranking
The mission of Research.com is to create an academic platform that cares about the quality of research to inspire young researchers to contribute to the advancement of science. The 2nd edition of Research.com ranking of the best researchers in the discipline of Materials Science is based on data consolidated from multiple data sources including OpenAlex and CrossRef. The bibliometric data for evaluating the citation-based metrics were gathered on 21. 12. 2022. Position in the ranking is based on D-index (Discipline H-index) metric, which only includes papers and citation values for an examined discipline. The ranking includes only leading scientists with D-index of at least 40 for academic publications made in the area of Materials Science.

Karel Tesař received the Stanislav Hanzl award
Karel Tesař, a PhD student at the Department of Dielectrics and at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, won the Stanislav Hanzl award which is presented to best students of the Czech Technical University in Prague on the occasion of the International Student Day (on November 17, 2022).
The aim of the Stanislav Hanzl award is to reward students for their excellent results in studies and scientific, professional and other important student activities. The award was presented to nine students in the Bethlehem Chapel by the rector of the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague, doc. RNDr. Vojtěch Petráček, CSc., and doc. Antonín Pokorný, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Stanislav Hanzel Foundation.

The Stanislav Hanzl Foundation was founded in 1997 in honor of the first rector of the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague after November 1989, prof. Ing. Stanislav Hanzl, CSc. Professor Hanzl served as rector until his death in June 1996. The aim of the endowment fund is to support studies and students of study programs accredited at the faculties and university institutes of CTU in Prague. The fund receives financial resources in the form of subsidies, donations and contributions from collaborating organizations, businesses, and professional associations as well as individuals, especially former students - graduates of the faculties of CTU in Prague.
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Best three places in the FZU Photo Competition 2022 taken by our department
Alexey Bubnov won the
FZU Photo Competition 2022.
by his beautiful image of liquid crystal texture.
Manas Ranjan Parida received the 2nd place for his SEM image of V2O5 nanoflower,
Fedir Borodavka & Vladimir Pushkarev got the 3rd place for their artistic picture of a superlattice roll.
Best photos from Department of Dielectrics placed in top ten of the FZU Photo Competition 2022:

1st place, Alexey Bubnov: Observing liquid crystal textures in polarized light microscope.

2nd place, Manas Ranjan Parida: Scanning electron microscope image of V2O5 nanoflower.

3rd place, Fedir Borodavka & Vladimir Pushkarev: Artistic picture of a PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattice roll under a laser beam combining various experimental data (Raman, GPA, SXOM, and PFM maps).

4th place, Alexey Bubnov: Observing liquid crystal textures in polarized light microscope.

7th place, Vladimíra Novotná: When an organic material is crystalizing.

New Research Professor in Department of Dielectrics
We are happy to announce that Stanislav Kamba has received the Research Professor degree for his outstanding and o riginal scientific work in condensed matter physics, presented in his dissertation: Soft-mode spectroscopy of ferroelectrics and multiferroics.
Stanislav Kamba is a world-wide known expert in the field of high-frequency dielectric spectroscopy, especially in studies of soft phonons in ferroelectric and multiferroic materials. He made a fundamental contribution to understanding of the properties of hydrogen-bonded ferroelectrics, lead-based relaxor materials, and the mechanism of phase transitions in multiferroic materials. His dissertation, titled: Soft-mode spectroscopy of ferroelectrics and multiferroics, presents results which are outcomes of his research done and/or led by him in the Department of Dielectrics for the last 25 years.

(photo after the Czech Academy of Sciences).
About the degree Research Professor:
The scientific degree "Research Professor" (abbreviated as Res. Prof. or DSc.) was established by a resolution of the twenty-first session of
the Academy Assembly convened on December 18, 2002. The Academy awards the scientific degree of Research Professor to scientists
in recognition of their outstanding and original scientific work, contributing to the advancement of research in a specific scientific field and
characterizing the awardee as a scientist of recognizing stature.
(see more details)

Open Science internships at the Institute of Physics open doors to universities worldwide
In 2018, a secondary school student, Nela Sedláčková has undertaken a one-year Open Science internship under supervision of Alexej Bubnov. At present, she is enjoying the studies of Physics at University of St Andrews supported by The Kellner Family Foundation and says: “I am convinced that the Open Science played the key role in my admittance to university in abroad”.
English translation of the full article from the Open Science website:
Nela Sedláčková dreamed to devote herself to science already at high school. She was therefore interested in the possibility of attending Open Science internships at the Czech Academy of Sciences. At that time, she wanted to extend the knowledge and prepare herself for entering a foreign university. Nela successfully entered and completed a highly competitive internship under supervision of Alexej Bubnov in 2018, in the Liquid Crystal group of the Department of Dielectrics, where she studied novel liquid crystalline materials used most frequently in the LCD displays.
How do you remember the Open Science internship?
Thanks to Open Science internship, I had the opportunity to work in a research laboratory,
meet international scientists and present the gained results at the Open Science conference.
High school students do not usually have access to real scientific environment, and
I also referred to my Open Science experience while applying to St Andrews (Note: University of St Andrews in Scotland).
I believe that the Open Science internship played a key role in my acceptance to St Andrews as well as to gain
the scholarship from
The Kellner Family Foundation which financially supports my studies in the UK.
The aim of the Open Science is to provide an access to scientific work for talented students already during their high school studies. Researchers from the Czech Academy of Sciences annually announce internships within the framework of the Open Science.

How did you actually find out about internships and what made you try out how science is done?
I saw an advertisement of the Open Science project on the Internet and searched through the database of internships. At that time I was in the second year of high school and I was considering to study science at some university abroad. Until then, I had the impression that "real" science was inaccessible to someone who had not yet graduated from college, and the project attracted my attention because it was aimed specifically for the high school students.
How was the internship and cooperation with the supervisor?
The objective of the internship "Study of phase transitions of novel liquid crystals" was to investigate the properties of new liquid crystalline materials, which are nowadays most often used in LCD displays. The supervisor of the internship, Alexej Bubnov, was always willing to answer any of my questions, and our cooperation continues even after the end of the internship. Thanks to him, the results of the internship were published as a regular research article, and I even became a co-author, which does not happen very often for a high school student.
Did the internship help you in choosing your next field of study?
The internship confirmed that I want to study physics with a focus on experiments rather than theory. In the laboratory, I met scientists from abroad and was able to practice and improve my communication skills in English, which, in turn, strengthened my decision to study abroad.
Your dream has come true. So where are you studying now and in which field?
Currently, I study Physics at the
University of St Andrews with the support of The Kellner Family Foundation.
The studies are very fulfilling for me and living abroad has broadened my horizons.
The main difference in the teaching system is in the greater emphasis on independent work and tutorials,
which are classes where a small group of students meets with a professor and the students’ task is asking questions to the professor. The study at St Andrews has met and exceeded my expectations, even though the last year was greatly affected by covid-related limitations.
Do you think about future career in science?
My curiosity continues to draw me into science and I am most interested in plasma physics. At the moment,
I am applying for summer scientific internships and I use my experience from Open Science in my applications.
Scientist and supervisor A. Bubnov about the cooperation with Nela Sedláčková:
Nela Sedláčková is a very hardworking and talented student who did excellent work during and after the Open Science internship.
In 2018, she was chosen for a highly competitive internship "Study of phase transitions of new liquid crystalline materials".
The internship was carried out in the
Liquid Crystal group of the Dielectrics Department
at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
The results we gained by Nela during the internship were presented at an international conference
(XXIII Czech-Polish seminar - Structural and ferroelectric phase transitions),
in the form of a contribution entitled "Self-assembling behavior of new photosensitive cinnamoyl-based monomers aimed for
design of smart macromolecular materials", and received a positive feedback from conference participants.
After completing the internship, the results were also published in the important international scientific journal Liquid Crystals
with a high impact factor (3.6 in 2020 according to Journal Citation Reports):
A. Bubnov, M. Cigl, N. Sedláčková, D. Pociecha, Z. Böhmová, V Hamplová,
Self-assembling behavior of new functional photosensitive cinnamoyl-based reactive mesogens,
Liquid Crystals 47, 2276 (2020). Although the article was published a year ago, it already has 10 citations, which is above the average for this specific field.
I know that Nela Sedláčková is currently a student at the School of Physics and Astronomy, at the University of St Andrews in Great Britain, and that she received a quite prestigious scholarship from the Kellner Family Foundation in 2021. I wish Nela the best of luck. I really hope that one day she will return to the Czech Republic and will work at the Czech Academy of Sciences, which would be of great benefit for us.
authors: Michaela Marková (Open Science) in collaboration with Nela Sedláčková and Alexej Bubnov (Department of Dielectrics)
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Silver medal for young scientists
Team of secondary school students (nicknamed NAFTA), consisting of M. Švanda (captain), T. Čajan, B. Růžičková, P. Štencl and M. Yurchenko, representing the Czech Republic in the 35th International Young Physicists Tournament was awarded a silver medal!
This year the tournament (sometimes referred to as the “Physics World Cup”) took place in Timisoara, Romania from 15th to 25th July 2022. The NAFTA team finished at the 7th place among 25 teams from all over the world. This ranking thus builds on the previous success of the Czech teams in this challenging competition. During the year-lasting preparation for this international competition the team was also strongly supported by feedback from Hynek Němec, Dalibor Repček, and Martin Kempa from the Departments of Dielectrics who were also involved as jury members in the national round at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering at CTU, Prague.

The key to the success in this tournament is a teamwork. The success of the Czech team has to be particularly appreciated in the context of the epidemy circumstances which severely limited cooperation possibilities and which reduced the number of participants in the Czech Republic. In the next year there are planned accompanying events (introductory workshop, training course VYDRA, final symposium with the possibility to present achieved results, discussions with experts, etc.) which all aim to support new participants. We believe that the success acknowledged by the silver medal will motivate to participate the next generation of young physicists in this competition!

About the tournament:
The preparation of the Young Physicists Tournament participants takes almost a year during
which the students have to solve 17 open-ended inquiry problems. Similarly as in the real-world scientific research,
they have to inspect problems from different points of view, to look for relevant information in literature,
to analyze data, to defend results obtained, etc. The competition itself consists in a model scientific discussion
about the achieved results, in which the teams alternate in three different roles:
presenting their solution of the problem, acting as an opponent, and evaluating solutions of the other teams.
The performance of the team in each role is evaluated by a jury which consists of real experts.
The tournament is thus a demanding competition not only for students but also for their teachers.
It exceeds common knowledge competitions – the aim is not only solving problems,
but especially the ability of critical thinking, presentation, and discussion of the results.
These are exactly the skills in the knowledge-based economics of the 21th century.
For this reason, it is strongly recommended in the outcomes of the project DIBALI
(Development of Inquiry Based Learning via IYPT) to support the competitions according to
their benefits rather than by the number of participants, and
to acknowledge the work of teachers preparing students for such demanding competitions with high added value.
(website of the competition: https://tmf.fzu.cz/)
text: H. Němec
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Dalibor Repček won the Student Poster Competition at ISAF 2022
Dalibor was awarded for his excellent poster presentation named Multiferroic Quantum Criticality in (Eu,Ba,Sr)TiO3 System in the Student Poster Competition at the International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF) within the joint ISAF-PFM-ECAPD conference held in Tours, France from June 27 to July 1, 2022.
The ISAF meeting is actually an important annual international conference gathering scientists all over the world
working on both fundamental science and applications of ferroelectrics.
The first ISAF meeting was held in 1968; since that time, annual meetings have been hosted all around the world,
including Prague in the year 2013 within the joint UFFC, EFTF and ISAF-PFM Symposium,
co-organized by the Department of Dielectrics.
Having this in mind, Dalibor got a prestigious award from the community engaged in ferroelectrics and related materials
for his experimental work on quantum critical phenomena in multiferroic materials.
More specifically, he looks for an experimental proof of the theoretically predicted multiferroic quantum
criticality in (Eu,Ba,Sr)TiO3 solid solution [1].
His PhD research is done under supervision of Dr. Stanislav Kamba and
in collaboration with colleagues from Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic) and
from CEITEC (Brno, Czech Republic).
[1] A. Narayan, A. Cano, A.V. Balatsky, and N. A. Spaldin, Multiferroic quantum criticality, Nature Mater 18 , 223–228 (2019).

PhD students succeeded in the Young Researcher Competition of the XXIV Czech-Polish seminar
Vladimir Pushkarev, Dalibor Repček, and André Maia shined in the Young Researcher Competition, consisting of a two-minute talk and a poster presentation, at the XXIV Czech-Polish seminar.
The XXIV Czech-Polish seminar took place in the Giant Mountains (Krkonoše in Czech, Karkonosze in Polish, Riesengebirge in German) in Harrachov (May 23 – 27, 2022) in a warm atmosphere created by 95 participants from 10 countries.

This year, the program of the well-established international conference on Structural and ferroelectric phase transitions (see the highlighted text below)
included not only 8 tutorial lectures to stimulate the scientific development of our younger colleagues, but also a Young Researcher Competition.
All students had an opportunity to take part in a Clip Session to demonstrate their ability
to introduce their research orally in two minutes to a broad audience and in the follow-up poster session.
Finally, the best 5 competitors were awarded:
Vladimir Pushkarev (FZU - Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences):
Charge confinement and band bending in single-crystalline GaAs nanostructures -
Dalibor Repček (FZU - Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences):
Quantum bicriticality tuning in (Eu,Ba,Sr)TiO3 system -
André Maia (FZU - Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences):
Lattice dynamics and soft-mode friven gerroelectricity in multiferroic BiMn3Cr4O12 -
Dawid Drozdowski (Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland):
Effect of halide mixing on structural and optoelectrical properties of the 3D and 2D methylhydrazinium lead halide perovskites -
Barbara Loska (Institute of Materials Engineering, University of Silesia, Chorzów, Poland):
Molecular interactions in the twist-bend nematic phase.

Dalibor Repček, Vladimir Pushkarev, André Maia, Dawid Drozdowski, and Barbara Loska.
History of the Czech-Polish seminar:
The idea of regular scientific meetings of physicists involved in studies of ferroelectrics and phase transitions in Poland and Czechoslovakia
followed inevitably from the success of first such an event in Błażejewko in 1979. The Seminar was organized in collaborating of
the Department of Dielectrics of the Institute of Physics of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and
the Ferroelectric Lab of the Institute of Molecular Physics of Polish Academy of Sciences.
The Seminars are an international forum for presentation of recent results,
unconstrained discussions and initiating of joint studies.
This conference series results not only in scientific integration but also in close cooperation and friendship.
The bianual event usually brings together about 100–120 participants in a proportion:
approximately one third from the Czech Republic, one third from Poland and the rest from other countries.

Young researcher brings ERC Starting Grant to our department
It is our pleasure to announce that the Solid-state materials science group led by Přemysl Vaněk will be strengthened by a young researcher Tim Verhagen. The main goal of his ERC Starting Grant is to create unique, however reproducible, multilayered heterostructures with ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties at room temperature.
To achieve his research goal of developing new multiferroic 2D-sandwich-like materials, Tim has now received a prestigious ERC Starting Grant and a project of the Czech Science Foundation. The grants will allow him to acquire a molecular beam epitaxy apparatus in the new building SOLID21 of the Institute of Physics and to develop his team. In near future, he will be able to produce precise thin multilayers or single-atom layers of multiferroic materials, which might bring him a strong collaboration with other groups of Department of Dielectrics and other departments of the Institute of Physics.
Tim Verhagen obtained bachelor's and master's degree in physics at the Delft University of Technology and PhD at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands. He moved to the Czech Republic in 2014 to work in Jana Kalbáčová Vejpravová's group at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University and the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Since 2020, he has been a researcher at the Institute of Physics of Charles University.
photo: Martin Pinkas, Charles University, Praguesource: https://www.ukforum.cz (show less)

Václav Janovec has passed away
One of the founders of the Department of Dielectrics, outstanding scientist, editor and teacher, enthusiastic promoter of symmetry approaches to ferroic phase transitions and domain boundaries, Prof. Václav Janovec, our beloved friend and colleague Vašek, has passed away on February 16, 2022, at the age of his almost complete 92.
To learn about Vašek's life, please read the obituary by Jirka Hlinka and colleagues from the Department of Dielectrics [1].

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Alexey Bubnov took the 2nd place in the FZU Photo Competition 2021
Alexey Bubnov defended his second place in the FZU Photo Competition 2021. Moreover, he obtained 4th and 10-11th places for his images of liquid crystal textures in polarised light microscope. Futhermore, Maryam Mansoori Kermani and Fedir Borodavka got 5-9th and 10-11th place, respectively.
Best photos coming from Department of Dielectrics in 2021:

Figure 1: Observing liquid crystal textures in polarized light microscope (by Alexey Bububnov, 2nd place).

Figure 2: Observing liquid crystal textures using polarised light microscope (by Alexey Bubnov, 4th place).

Figure 3: The representation of a theoretical model containing a silicon crystal wafer and two water molecule layers, captured using the molecule dynamics visualisation programme. (by Maryam Mansoori Kermani, 5-9th place).

Figure 4: Observing liquid crystal textures using polarised light microscope (by Alexey Bubnov, 10-11th place).

Figure 5: Feroelectric domain structure of the PbTiO3 thin layer (by Fedir Borodavka, 10-11th place).

Charge transport in single-crystalline GaAs nanobars: impact of band bending revealed by terahertz spectroscopy
Petr Kužel and co-workers found that a band bending close to the GaAs nanobar surfaces and its prominent effects on the picosecond charge carrier dynamics, leading to an enhanced localization of electrons at longer times [Adv. Funct. Mater. 32,, 2107403 (2022)]. Arrays of ultimate-quality single-crystalline GaAs nanobars highlighted the inside back cover of the January issue of Advanced Functional Materials.
Abstract: Electron motion inside nanostructures is strongly influenced by the presence of surfaces. Petr Kužel and co-workers [1] apply time-resolved near-field and far-field terahertz spectroscopy and quantum-mechanical calculations to study the conductivity in an array of aligned high-quality GaAs nanobars. The study reveals that electrons are submitted to additional forces (band bending) close to the nanobar surfaces, which greatly enhance confinement of electrons at the picosecond timescale.

The inside back cover of the January issue of Advanced Functional Materials illustrated by a single-crystalline GaAs nanobars under a time-resolved terahertz scanning near-field microscope [1] (author: Vladimir Pushkarev).
[1] V. Pushkarev, H. Němec, V. C. Paingad, J. Maňák, V. Jurka, V. Novák, T. Ostatnický, and P. Kužel,
Charge transport in single-crystalline GaAs nanobars: impact of band bending revealed by terahertz spectroscopy,
Adv. Funct. Mater. 32,, 2107403 (2022).

Jožka Holakovský has passed away
On September 28, 2021, at the age of 82, our former colleague prom. Josef Holakovský, CSc. passed away. After graduating from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague as a theoretical physicist, he joined the Department of Dielectrics in 1968 and ten years later defended his dissertation "Ferroelectric and Antiferroelectric Phase Transition of the Order Type in Mixed Crystals", submitted in 1973).
He focused on the phenomenology of ferroelectric phase transitions in crystals and at the beginning of his career became famous for the first description and thermodynamic theory of a new type of so-called triggered ferroelectric phase transition, where a transition parameter with a different symmetry, which would lead to a non-ferroelectric structural phase transition, secondarily triggers also a ferroelectric transition [1]. An interesting and the most common case is when both phase transitions occur at the same temperature in the form of a phase transition of the first type. This work has become widely cited, especially in recent years, when hybrid ferroelectric phase transitions triggered by magnetic transitions appeared.

In later years, together with his colleagues, he also dealt with phase transitions to incommensurably modulated structures and in liquid crystals, but he was very reluctant to publish himself. Nevertheless, he was declared the most versatile and original physicist in the entire department, so a lot of colleagues liked getting involved in discussions with him, although they not always fully understood him.
At the time of the development of computer technology, he even built a simple computer himself. Since 2002, he had worked part-time, but he applied for a pension only when he voluntarily terminated his employment in 2007. In the following years, however, we enjoyed meeting him at Christmas parties.
As it is obvious from the above, Jožka lived very modestly, all his life alone without a family, but he was very popular among his colleagues, and also in the group of his classmates from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, who after their studies bought a cottage together, a former rectory in a small village in the area of Český Kras. His main hobby, apart from his work, was bridge, which he had been playing in competitions since the 1970s, and where he was also very popular. We will all miss him.
[1] J. Holakovský, A New Type of the Ferroelectric Phase Transition, phys. stat. sol. (b) 56, 615 (1973)

Picosecond nonlinear optoelectronics in graphene
Petr Kužel and Vaisakh Chelod Paingad in collaboration with colleagues from the Charles University described nonlinear behavior of charge carriers during early times after pulsed optical excitation in epitaxially grown graphene layers. The time evolution of the system is determined by nonlinear electronic response of graphene, which opens the possibility of the increase of the speed of optoelectronic elements [Adv. Funct. Mater. 31, 2105763 (2021)].
Graphene is a single sheet of carbon atoms forming a two-dimensional infinite honeycomb lattice. For example, a macroscopic ordered stack of such layers forms the graphite; however, the behavior of the graphene single atomic layer is dramatically different from that of graphite.
The electronic properties of graphene are determined by the behavior of charge carriers (electrons and holes); their energy band structure is quite different from typical structures of classical semiconductors or metals and resembles much more the energy scheme of photons.
Depending on the position of the so-called Fermi level (which may be shifted, e.g., due to the nature of the surrounding material and dynamically controlled by illumination or by electric current) graphene can be an excellent conductor or a good insulator. Applications of graphene in electronics and optoelectronics rely on various approaches to the Fermi level tuning by electronic, chemical or optical stimuli.

Upper part: scheme of terahertz optoelectronic probing of graphene films on silicon carbide substrate.
Optical pulse (red) excites charge carriers and a delayed ultrashort terahertz pulse (blue, 1 THz = 1012 Hz) probes
the state of these carriers.
By inspecting changes in the terahertz pulse shape, we determine the conductivity spectra Δσ of graphene,
which reflect the distribution of charges within the energy band structure.
Bottom left: typical measured conductivity spectrum containing the plasmon resonance.
Bottom right: ultrafast evolution of the temperature of carriers (Tc) and
of the Fermi level (μ) deduced from the experiments.
Free-standing graphene layer is very fragile and is not very useful for practical applications. Therefore, in this study, the group of Petr Kužel focused on graphene layers epitaxially grown on silicon carbide (SiC) substrates. Properties of films prepared under certain conditions approach those of an ideal free-standing graphene layer. By varying the technological conditions, the properties of graphene can be tuned. However, the substrate surface is not perfectly flat even if the greatest care is devoted to its preparation. Instead, it always consists of a set of nanoscopic terraces.
The researchers studied graphene layers using ultrashort laser pulses and terahertz optoelectronic probing (see Fig. 1): an optical pulse excited charge carriers and a delayed ultrashort terahertz pulse tested the state of these carriers. Measured changes in the terahertz pulse shape provided the conductivity spectra, which reflect the distribution of charges within the energy band structure.
The obtained spectra exhibited the so-called localized plasmon resonance, which expresses the collective motion of charge carriers, and which is related to the existence of terraces on the substrate surface. In the investigated graphene samples the build-up and decay of these plasmons on picosecond time scale (1 ps = 10–12 s) was observed.
In brief, the observed behavior can be described as follows. Before the arrival of the optical laser pulse a significant concentration of equilibrium charge carriers exists in the sample, the graphene film is conducting. Immediately after the optical excitation, the newly generated carriers gain a very high temperature, they exchange energy with equilibrium carriers through elastic scattering, undergo a fast recombination process, and efficiently transfer their energy to the graphene crystal lattice.
During the first picosecond the optically generated carriers practically vanish, and only significantly heated equilibrium carriers remain; the Fermi level exhibits a pronounced decrease with respect to the equilibrium state. The subsequent nonlinear dynamics of plasmons are entirely controlled by the Fermi level of excited carriers through their temperature Tc (see Figure 1). The nonlinear behavior of graphene in this state is a consequence of the unique band structure of graphene which enables very high rate of elastic collisions of carriers. The decay of the nonlinear regime depends on the degree of disorder in the graphene layer. The technological control of the disorder in graphene layers thus allows one to tune the THz response of the material which is important for its optoelectronic applications.
text: Petr Kužel
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Second place for Pavel Baláž in Photogenic Science Competition 2021
A photo of (un)usual window cleaning during home office brought the second place to Pavel Baláž in the category of ‘Scientists and Home Office’. The competition is organized by the Czech Academy of Sciences and by the association Science is Alive! (Věda žije! in Czech) and its aim is to promote science by intriguing photos taken by scientists.

Karel Tesař took the 2nd place in the Falling Walls Lab competition
Karel Tesař was awarded for 'breaking the wall' with his project 'Post sternotomy chest pain' at Falling Walls Lab Wroclaw on 29 September 2021.
The Falling Walls Lab is a world-class pitch competition that brings together a diverse and interdisciplinary pool of students and researchers, and pioneering innovators. One of the preliminaries of the final Falling Walls Lab in Berlin is yearly organized by the University of Wrocław and is devoted to participants from the Central and Eastern Europe. Three minutes is all it takes to succeed in this competition. What matters is an original idea and the ability to present it in a clear way. In Wroclaw, Karel Tesař has captured attention of Polish scientists by his project Post sternotomy chest pain.

(photo by Dominika Hull)

Subterahertz collective dynamics of polar vortices
An artist take on the 'whirling' vibrational mode revealed in the polar vortex structure of PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattices [Nature 592, 376 (2021)] to highlight the front cover of the April issue of Nature.
The front cover (see Fig. 1) shows collective dynamics of spontaneously formed vortices of electric polarization in ferroelectric PbTiO3 layers of PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattices which have been investigated by Marek Paściak, Jirka Hlinka, and Christalle Kadlec in a world-wide collaboration (the Argonne National Laboratory, the Pennsylvania State University, the University of California, Berkeley and other American institutions) [1].

Figure 1: The cover of the April issue of Nature illustrated by subterahertz collective dynamics of polar vortices in a ferroelectric PbTiO3 layer of PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattice [1] (cover image by Ellen Weiss/Argonne National Laboratory).
The characteristic ultrafast collective polarization dynamics of vortices was discovered by pump-probe experiments, concretely using a terahertz-field excitation and femtosecond X-ray diffraction measurements. Lattice dynamics calculations with first-principle-based interatomic potentials done in Department of Dielectrics unveiled the atomistic picture of the observed excitations (see Fig. 2). In particular, the most coherent and electric-field susceptible mode at the sub-THz frequencies called a vortexon has been recognized as the transverse oscillation of whole polar vortices. The frequency of the vortexon mode has been experimentally and theoretically found to be tunable by temperature or the substrate strain. Moreover, the mode is behind a phase transition from the state in which the vortices are symmetrical to the one where they are staggered. The experiment and calculations prove that THz pulses can excite the polarization state on the nanometer scale which opens opportunities for electric-field-driven data processing in topological structures with ultrahigh speed and density.

Figure 2: Polarization dynamics in the vortexon mode of the PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattice. Each arrow represents a polarization of one perovskite unit cell (distance between neighbouring arrows is ~4 Å). The vortex-hosting PbTiO3 layer in the middle has thickness of 16 unit cells. The animation is the result of all-atom lattice dynamics calculations with first-principle-based interatomic potentials [1].
[1] Q. Li, V.A. Stoica, M. Paściak, Y. Zhu, Y. Yuan, T. Yang, M.R. McCarter, S. Das, A.K. Yadav, S. Park, C. Dai, H.J. Lee, Y. Ahn, S.D. Marks, S. Yu, C. Kadlec, T. Sato, M.C. Hoffmann, M. Chollet, M.E. Kozina, S. Nelson, D. Zhu, D.A. Walko, A.M. Lindenberg, P.G. Evans, L.-Q. Chen, R. Ramesh, L.W. Martin, V. Gopalan, J.W. Freeland, J. Hlinka, and H. Wen, Subterahertz collective dynamics of polar vortices, Nature 592, 376 (2021). (show less)

Perovskites and other Framework Structure Materials
E. Buixaderas in collaboration with Prof. J. Dec contributed with the chapter: “Phonons and relaxations in unfilled tetragonal tungsten-bronzes” to a new book titled "Perovskites and other Framework Structure Materials: new trends and perspectives", published by Collaborating Academics IP, France.
Nowadays mostly studied perovskite materials belong to so-called framework structure materials whose structure is based on units (octahedra, tetrahedra, …) that share some of their corners (or edges) with their neighbors. This book [1] is devoted to the relation between structural organization of such units and unique physical properties of framework structure materials.
One of the important group of framework structure materials long-term studied in the Department of Dielectrics are unfilled tetragonal tungsten-bronze crystals, particularly relaxor ferroelectric strontium barium niobate. The chapter 8 deals mainly with structure relations of NbO6 octahedra, chemical disorder, phonons and dielectric relaxations in strontium barium niobate.

[1] E. Buixaderas and J. Dec Phonons and relaxations in unfilled tetragonal tungsten-bronzes, Chap. 8 in "Perovskites and other Framework Structure Materials: new trends and perspectives", editors M.B. Smirnov and P. Saint-Grégoire, Materials and Devices, Vol 5(1), Publ. by Collaborating Academics IP, France (2021).
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Special Issue on the Contributions of Women in Ferroelectrics Research
Impressive schematic of the crystal structure of the tetragonal tungsten-bronze family made by Elena Buixaderas has been selected for the front cover in the IEEE TUFFC Special Issue on the Contributions of Women in Ferroelectrics Research and Development.
The aim of this Special Issue was to promote and highlight scientific and technological contributions from both established and emerging women scientists and engineers in the field of ferroelectrics. The motivation had come from the fact that women remain underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics relative to the total population. For example, in the IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control Society, women remain below 10% of the total society members, suggesting that their underrepresentation persists in ferroelectrics research and development activities as well.
Authors in this Special Issue include women at all career stages—including undergraduate students, recent Ph.D. graduates, and those retired from the profession—the common link being the field of ferroelectrics. The collection of contributed articles in the Special Issue covers multiple aspects of processing, structure, theory, and properties of many different ferroelectric materials and devices. E. Buixaderas and M. Paściak reviewed the local structure, phonons, and polarization dynamics of relaxor-ferroelectric (Sr,Ba)Nb2O6 (SBN) single crystals using scattering and spectroscopic techniques such as pair distribution function experiments [1]. The schematic of the SBN complex crystal structure was selected for the cover (see Figures 1 and 2).

Figure 1: The front cover of the IEEE TUFFC Special Issue highlights artwork and pictures from selected manuscripts.

Figure 2: Schematic of the crystal structure of the tetragonal tungsten-bronze family selected for the cover. The schematic shows three types of channels along the c-axis of the (Sr,Ba)Nb2O6 structure. Triangular channels are empty. Square channels and pentagonal channels are each filled with Sr and Ba. The schematic also shows two types of NbO6 octahedra (dark and light), corresponding to two different crystallographic sites [1].
[1] E. Buixaderas and M. Paściak, Disorder in Strontium Barium Niobate: Local Structure, Phonons, and Polarization Dynamics, IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelectr. Freq. Control 68, 314 (2021).
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From superlattices to supercrystals
Researchers from Department of Dielectrics, in a world-wide collaboration led by Dr. Pavlo Zubko from University College London, have found that in superlattices, composed of layers of a ferroelectric material separated by thin metallic spacers, electric dipoles form an unusual pattern of nanoscale domains that order in three dimensions to create a ‘domain supercrystal’, exhibiting outstanding dielectric response.
The concept of order is a cornerstone of condensed matter physics. Atoms order to form crystals, which, in turn, play host to other fascinating and technologically useful ordering phenomena. For example, in ferroelectric crystals, tiny displacements of ions create electric dipoles that order cooperatively to produce a net electric polarization. The orientation of this polarization can be reversed by applying an electric field and serves as the basis for the operation of ferroelectric random access memories that exploit the different orientations of the polarization to store the 1 and 0 bits of information.
Thanks to advances in physical vapour deposition techniques, today, it is possible to create artificially ordered materials, such as superlattices, that consist of very thin sheets of different crystalline materials stacked periodically on top of each other. Artificially layered crystals that combine materials with similar structure but different properties in this way often lead to the emergence of new and unexpected behaviour. For example, in superlattices consisting of periodically alternating ferroelectric and dielectric layers, each just a few nanometres thick, electric dipoles often arrange themselves into complex nanoscale patterns of stripes and whorls. Such dipole patterns are extremely responsive to applied electric fields and give rise to unusual dielectric properties that may prove useful in reducing the power consumption of the billions of transistors in our everyday electronics.

Schematic of the polarization arrangement in a domain supercrystal and its corresponding X-ray diffraction pattern [1].
Writing in the journal Nature Materials [1], a collaboration led by Dr. Pavlo Zubko from University College London involving researchers from the United Kingdom, France, Ireland, and Czech Republic, have found that in some superlattices composed of layers of ferroelectric lead titanate (PbTiO3) separated by thin spacers of metallic or insulating oxides, the electric dipoles form an unusual pattern of nanoscale domains—regions with uniform orientation of the dipoles—that order in three dimensions to create a ‘domain supercrystal’. Under the influence of applied electric field, small displacements of the boundaries between the different domains give rise to large changes in the net electric polarization and thereby enhance the dielectric response of the material along all three spatial directions.
Perhaps an even more interesting aspect of the domain supercrystals is their highly inhomogeneous structure (see figure). The complex domain patterns in the ferroelectric layers are accompanied by very strong distortions of the crystalline lattice that, in turn, set up a periodic modulation with very large local curvatures in the metallic or insulating spacers. This curvature modifies the local symmetry of the spacer layers, inducing additional polarity that could lead to interesting changes in their properties. Importantly, the curvature can be tuned by application of electric fields and its periodicity can be engineered on demand by adjusting the thicknesses of the ferroelectric layers, making such superlattices an ideal system for exploring curvature-induced phenomena in a variety of insulating, conducting and magnetic materials.
text: P. Zubko
[1] M. Hadjimichael, Y. Li, E. Zatterin, G. A. Chahine, M. Conroy, K. Moore, E. N. O’ Connell, P. Ondrejkovic, P. Marton, J. Hlinka, U. Bangert, S. Leake, and P. Zubko, Metal–ferroelectric supercrystals with periodically curved metallic layers, Nat. Mater. 20, 495 (2021).

Researchers' Night in the THz lab
Petr Kužel and his colleagues from the THz science and technology group introduced their research themes in a general public video during the European Researchers' Night.
During the European Researchers' Night, numbers of scientific institutions and infrastructures are animated by popular science activities. The visitors have a unique opportunity to see the labs from inside, to observe some experiments and to listen to lectures on up-to-date topics. Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences is one of such sites, and its THz science and technology group is traditionally involved in outreach activities for general public. Its leader Petr Kužel explains specific measures of this year's Researchers' Night: “Undergoing epidemy circumstances did not allow us to organize popular experiments in the THz lab for visitors. Therefore, in a collaboration with our PR division, we created a general public video which introduces the little-known spectral window in the terahertz (THz) range and which gives a flavor of the research and applications with THz radiation.”

General public video about the spectral window in the terahertz and applications with THz radiation (in Czech only, Youtube).

Online art opening of the FZU Photo Competition 2020
Within European Researchers' Night on 27. November 2020 an online art opening of the FZU Photo Competition was performed. Alexey Bubnov got the 2nd place for his image of a beautiful liquid crystal texture resembling the Sun’s corona.
A video created from the best photos presents engaging beauty hidden underneath various microscope objectives. The photo, which was selected as the video thumbnail, presents the beauty of a liquid crystal texture seen by polarized optical microscope, taken by Alexey Bubnov. This picture resembling the Sun’s corona was awarded by the 2nd place.

Video promoting the best photos of the FZU Photo Competition 2020 (European Researchers' Night).

Photocontrollable photonic crystals
Researchers from Institute of Physics in collaboration with Lomonosov Moscow State University elaborated novel photocontrollable photonic crystals based on porous silicon filled with photochromic liquid crystalline mixture. In their recent joint paper, whose figure highlighted the back cover of the November issue of Advanced Optical Materials, they demonstrated that these photonic crystals have great potential for creation of photoswitchable materials for photonics applications.
The photonic crystals based on porous silicon were prepared by electrochemical etching and filled with photochromic liquid crystalline (LC) nematic mixture formulated by 4-pentyl-4′-cyanobiphenyl and a specific azobenzene derivative. These molecules of LC mixture are aligned along the etched channels in silicon plate (see Figure 1). After an UV irradiation (375 nm), a shift of photonic band gap to longer wavelengths by ≈10 nm was observed. This phenomenon was explained by isothermal photoinduced nematic–isotropic phase transition associated with the bent-shaped Z isomer formation of the azobenzene compound. During this transition, effective refractive index slightly increases as the initial homeotropic alignment of LC molecules transforms to the isotropic nonaligned state (see Figure 1). Interestingly, this process between aligned and isotropic states was shown to be completely reversible under visible light action (428 nm) and can be repeated many times. Obtained photonic crystal with photochromic LC composites can be considered as new promising material for photonic applications.

Figure 1: The back cover of the November issue of Advanced Optical Materials illustrating the principle of photocontrollable photonic crystals: an insight into channels of porous silicon filled with photochromic liquid crystals (short red and blue rods) which undergo a photoinduced phase transition from aligned to random isotropic state under irradiation by UV light.
[1] A. Bobrovsky, S. Svyakhovskiy, A. Bogdanov, V. Shibaev, M. Cigl, V. Hamplová, and A. Bubnov, Photocontrollable Photonic Crystals Based on Porous Silicon Filled with Photochromic Liquid Crystalline Mixture, Adv. Optical Mater. 8, 2001267 (2020).
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Emergent functional properties of ferroic materials with topological defects
A domain pattern with multiple polar domain walls in non-polar CaTiO3 from a topical review article: “Domain-wall engineering and topological defects in ferroelectric and ferroelastic materials” highlighted the front cover of the November issue of Nature Reviews Physics.
Worldwide collaboration including current and former members of the Department of Dielectrics has recently come with a topical review article [1] highlighting new prospects of structural domain walls - atomically thin objects occurring within the ferroelectric and ferroelastic materials for the same principal reasons as the ordinary knots can be found on ropes and cords.

Figure 1: Schematic of a 180° Bloch wall, where the electric polarization (indicated by the arrows) rotates in the plane of the wall between two ferroelectric domains with opposite spontaneous polarization (blue and green arrows).
The paper deals with exotic polarization profiles that can arise at domain walls (see Fig. 1) and with the different mechanisms that lead to domain-wall polarity in non-polar ferroelastic materials like in polar domain walls in non-polar CaTiO3 (see its domain pattern in Fig. 2). The emergence of energetically degenerate variants of the domain walls themselves suggests the existence of interesting quasi-1D topological defects within such walls. A special attention is paid to the fundamental mechanisms responsible for domain-wall conduction in nonconductive ferroelectrics. Finally, authors are drawing prospects of combination of domain walls with transition regions observed at phase boundaries, homo- and heterointerfaces, and other quasi-2D objects, enabling emergent properties beyond those available in today’s topological systems.

Figure 2: The cover of the November issue of Nature Reviews Physics illustrated by a domain pattern with multiple polar domain walls in non-polar CaTiO3. The color scheme highlights the inhomogeneous shear strain component.
[1] G. F. Nataf, M. Guennou, J. M. Gregg, D. Meier, J. Hlinka, E. K. H. Salje, and J. Kreisel, Domain-wall engineering and topological defects in ferroelectric and ferroelastic materials, Nat. Rev. Phys. 2, 634 (2020). (show less)

First book on functional ferroelectric domain walls
P. Ondrejkovic, P. Marton, V. Stepkova and J. Hlinka contributed by the chapter: “Fundamental properties of ferroelectric domain walls from Ginzburg-Landau models” to a new book titled “Domain Walls: From Fundamental Properties to Nanotechnology Concepts” published by Oxford University Press.
The book covers:
- Comprehensive coverage beyond scientific reviews
- Information is accessible for non-specialists and newcomers
- Explores ideas for future research within the area
Technological evolution and revolution are both driven by the discovery of new functionalities, new materials and the design of yet smaller, faster, and more energy-efficient components. Progress is being made at a breathtaking pace, stimulated by the rapidly growing demand for more powerful and readily available information technology. High-speed internet and data-streaming, home automation, tablets and smartphones are now "necessities" for our everyday lives. Consumer expectations for progressively more data storage and exchange appear to be insatiable.
Oxide electronics is a promising and relatively new field that has the potential to trigger major advances in information technology. Oxide interfaces are particularly intriguing. Here, low local symmetry combined with an increased susceptibility to external fields leads to unusual physical properties distinct from those of the homogeneous bulk.
In this context, ferroic domain walls have attracted recent attention as a completely new type of oxide interface. In addition to their functional properties, such walls are spatially mobile and can be created, moved, and erased on demand. This unique degree of flexibility enables domain walls to take an active role in future devices and hold a great potential as multifunctional 2D systems for nanoelectronics. With domain walls as reconfigurable electronic 2D components, a new generation of adaptive nano-technology and flexible circuitry becomes possible, that can be altered and upgraded throughout the lifetime of the device. Thus, what started out as fundamental research, at the limit of accessibility, is finally maturing into a promising concept for next-generation technology.

Jirka Hlinka got the 2020 Ferroelectrics Recognition Award by IEEE UFFC Society
The Ferroelectrics Recognition Award by the IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroeelctrics and Frequency Control Society went to Jirka Hlinka for “his outstanding contributions to fundamental theoretical and experimental studies of ferroelectrics, relaxor ferroelectrics and multiferroics”.
The Ferroelectrics Recognition Award recognizes meritorious achievement in the field of Ferroelectricity or related sciences. The award is usually presented at the International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF). This year, the IEEE UFFC Society Ferroelectrics Awards were presented by the Chair of the Awards Committee of IEEE-UFFC, Prof. Roger Whatmore of Imperial College London, UK at IFCS-ISAF 2020 in Keystone, Colorado, USA. The 2020 IEEE UFFC Society Ferroelectrics Awards in three categories were given to:
- Fei Li (Xi’an Jiaotong University): Ferroelectrics Young Investigator Award for “his outstanding contributions to the fundamental understanding of relaxor ferroelectric-lead titanate single crystals and ceramics”.
- Beatriz Noheda (Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, the Netherlands): Robert E. Newnham Ferroelectrics Award for “her outstanding contributions to the understanding of the giant piezoelectricity in lead zirconate titanate and ferroelectric relaxors, based on her discovery of their low symmetry phases”.
- Jirka Hlinka (Czech Academy of Sciences): Ferroelectrics Recognition Award for “his outstanding contributions to fundamental theoretical and experimental studies of ferroelectrics, relaxor ferroelectrics and multiferroics”.

Popular cartoon video about smart materials
Teťana Ostapčuk contributed as a scientific guarantor to a popular cartoon video about piezoelectric materials, shape memory alloys, photo-, thermo-, electro- and magnetochromic materials and their applications (in Czech only).
The video comes from the series of Undistorted Science.

Snapshot form the video about Smart materials (YouTube).

Karel Tesař among winners of the Materials Today Cover Competition 2019
Karel's photo taken by an electron microscope succeeded in the Materials Today Cover Competition 2019. So-called 'Uncovered article' about biodegradable magnesium implants, closely related to the winning photo, has been recently published in Materials Today.
The image of the winners will be featured on the cover of an issue of the journal. The authors have also the privilege to write an article to uncover a story behind their winning photos. Karel Tesař and his collaborator Karel Balík (Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Czech Academy of Sciences) contributed by a short article about the state-of-art research on biodegradable implants: Nucleation of corrosion products on H2 bubbles: A problem for biodegradable magnesium implants?. An interview with Karel Tesař is available on the website of the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

Winning photograph - hydroxyapatite as a product of the degradation of magnesium wire in synthetic cell culture medium. The hollow shape is a result of hydrogen generation and nucleation of corrosion products on the gas/liquid interfacea.

A new class of ferroelectric materials suggested
Using strain engineering, researchers obtained a transitional ferroelectric state in BaTiO3, which exhibits high piezoelectric and dielectric coefficients in a wide temperature range [1].
Traditional and chemically simple material BaTiO3 was grown on NdScO3 substrates, which allowed researchers to strain the BaTiO3 film to a peculiar transitional state, showing polarization rotation gradients (see figure) [1,2]. Therefore, in the transitional state, the BaTiO3 film has different polar phases with different polarization orientation across its thickness. The state is, moreover, stable with temperature. This allows a huge piezoelectric and dielectric response under external electric field in a broad temperature range.

Illustration of the transitional state in BaTiO3 films on NdScO3 substrates (after S. Mandel [2]).
[1] A. S. Everhardt, T. Denneulin, A. Grünebohm, Y.-T. Shao, P. Ondrejkovic, S. Zhou, N. Domingo,
G. Catalan, J. Hlinka, J.-M. Zuo, S. Matzen, and B. Noheda,
Temperature-independent giant dielectric response in transitional BaTiO3 thin films,
Applied Physics Reviews 7, 011402 (2020).
[2] S. Mandel, Research suggests a new class of ferroelectric materials,
AIP Scilight. 041101-1 (2020).

New material for 5G mobile networks
Stanislav Kamba, Veronica Goian and Christelle Kadlec, in collaboration with Prof. D. G. Schlom from the Cornell University and other American and German colleagues, succeeded in developing a new material for mobile network of the 5th generation.
Epitaxial strained thin films of (SrTiO3)n-1(BaTiO3)1SrO were grown on DyScO3 substrates using molecular beam epitaxy. The best microwave dielectric properties were discovered in samples with n = 6. Permittivity exhibits huge tuning using electric field and microwave dielectric loss is anomalously low. Unique properties were confirmed using first-principles calculations and by experimental observation of the soft mode behavior in THz region. These films are ideal for components in 5G networks. See you more details in Nat. Mater. (2020).

Figure: Schema of crystal structures of investigated (SrTiO3)n-1(BaTiO3)1SrO films and their view in scanning transmission electron microscope. Yellow octahedra depict TiO6 layers, green and red points mark atoms of Sr and Ba.

John Mangeri and Alexey Bubnov succeeded in FZU Photo Competition
John Mangeri won the second place in the FZU Photo Competition for his image of a computational simulation of a BaTiO3 nanoparticle (see Figure 1). Alexey Bubnov got the 3rd-4th place for his image of a beautiful liquid crystal texture seen under polarized light microscope (see Figure 2).
Moreover, Vladimira Novotna and Alexey Bububnov obtained the 6th-12th place for other remarkable liquid crystal textures captured using polarized light microscope (see Figures 3-5) among 125 photos from 33 participants.

Figure 1: Computational simulation of a BaTiO3 nanoparticle: lines of constant polarization flux in an exotic topological state (by John Mangeri).

Figure 2: Liquid crystal textures (by Alexey Bubnov).

Figure 3: Rocks (by Alexey Bubnov).

Figure 4: Colour dance (by Alexey Bubnov).

Figure 5: Liquid crystals (by Vladimira Novotna).

Vladimira Novotna was awarded the 2nd place in Photogenic Science Competition 2019
Photos of liquid crystals under a polarized microscope brought the second place to Vladimira Novotna in the category of ‘Photogenic Science’. The competition is organized by the Czech Academy of Sciences and by the association Science is Alive! (Věda žije! in Czech) and its aim is to evaluate photos related to science.
Selected photos from the celebration:

Figure: The awarded photo of a liquid crystal in polarized light and Vladimira Novotna together with Eva Zazimalova, the president of the Czech Academy of Sciences (photos after the Czech Academy of Sciences).

TOPO2019 organized by Department of Dielectrics and by Czech Physical Society
The 5th International Workshop on Topological Structures in Ferroic Materials (TOPO2019) took place in Průhonice and Prague on June 16–20. The conference was organized by the Czech Physical Society and by the Department of Dielectrics of FZU with Jiří Hlinka being the conference chair.
The TOPO Workshop series has been established with an ad hoc meeting held in 2015 at the University
of New South Wales in Sydney as a reaction of the ferroelectric community to the rising
attention towards topological defects like magnetic vortices, Bloch walls, Skyrmions or
Merons and to the rising interest in various topological concepts such as winding numbers or homotopy groups. Cross-disciplinary dimension of the workshop with a significant attendance by specialists outside of the ferroelectric community turned out to be extremely stimulating and resulted in subsequent fruitful meetings in Dresden (2016), Leeds (2017) and Natal (2018).
This year’s TOPO followed in the same fashion bringing together the forefront experts
as well as young scientists interested in topological aspects of magnetic, superconducting,
ferroelectric as well as liquid crystal matter. More than 70 participants from over 15 countries
contributed to the intense program comprising over 50 lectures.
The detailed program can be found on the
conference webpage.
Next year’s meeting will be held at the University of California, Berkeley.

The 11th Dvorak lecture given by Prof. Ramamoorthy Ramesh
This year the annual Dvořák lecture will be given by Prof. R. Ramesh, an outstanding expert in multiferroics - the research field very close to Vladimír Dvořák's scientific expertise. His talk called 'Electric Field Control of Magnetism: From Global Markets to Spin Orbit Coupling' is going to be given on Friday, June 21st, 2019 at 14:00 at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Na Slovance 2, 182 21 Praha 8, Czech Republic
Prof. R. Ramesh has opened new research avenues in ferroelectric nonvolatile memories,
colossal magnetoresistive (CMR) oxides and multiferroic oxides, for example,
his group in Berkeley demonstrated the large ferroelectric polarization in multiferroic BiFeO3 films and
the electric field control of antiferromagnetism and ferromagnetism.
His publications are highly cited (over 65,000 citations, H-factor =110).
He is a fellow of APS, AAAS & MRS, holder of the Humboldt Senior Scientist Prize,
the James McGroddy Prize, the TMS Bardeen Prize, the 2018 IUPAP Magnetism Prize,
and the Néel Medal. In 2011, Professor Ramesh was elected to the National Academy of Engineering.
Anotation of the talk:
The emergence of the “Internet of Things” and the explosion of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
applications are likely to push up significantly the market for microelectronics.
The related energy consumption could increase by 20–25%. Thus, looking for a new generation
of ultralow power memories and switches is an area of significant current research.
Perovskite oxides exhibit a rich spectrum of functional responses, including magnetism,
ferroelectricity, highly correlated electron behavior, superconductivity, etc. Over the past decade
the oxide community has been exploring the science of such materials in the form of crystals,
thin films epitaxial heterostructures and nanostructures with an eye towards lowenergy applications.
There exists a small subset of materials – known as multiferroics – which exhibit multiple order parameters at a time.
Particularly, the coexistence of ferroelectricity and some form of ordered magnetism
(typically antiferromagnetism) has been of major interest due to the evidence that an electric field
can control both antiferromagnetism and ferromagnetism at room temperature.
Current work in my group is focused on ultralow energy (1 attoJoule/operation) electric field manipulation
of magnetism as the backbone for the next generation of ultralow power electronics.
In this talk, I will describe our progress to date on this exciting possibility and outline the directions of the future research.
Vladimír Dvořák
(1934-2007) was a solid state physicist and the most prominent Czech scientist
in the theory of ferroelectricity and structural phase transitions.
He was affiliated with the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
in Prague for the whole productive life. He served as its director in 1993–2001
and was the main protagonist of the revolutionary reforms of the Institute after 1989.
He was a member of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic since 1995.
His personality has strongly influenced the scientific program and development
in the Department of Dielectrics of the Institute since the late sixties up to the present.
He was a brilliant lecturer and is considered as one of the most respected directors of the Institute.
To commemorate his work and personality, the Institute Physics of
the Czech Academy of Sciences decided to organize an annual festive
Dvořák lecture, given by prominent internationally renowned scientists in the
field related to the research pursued at the Institute..

Special issue in honor of Jan Petzelt
A special Issue of Ferroelectrics was dedicated to Dr. Jan Petzelt in recognition of his contributions to the scientific community on the occasion of his 77th birthday. His brilliant scientific career over past five decades was summarized by S. Kamba et al. in the editorial. His professional impact and friendly personality are well expressed in tributes to Jan written by J. Hlinka, E. Buixaderas, and G. W. Taylor. See all contributions.

Bohuslav Březina obituary
Ing. Bohuslav Březina, CSc. passed away on February 4, 2019.
After obtaining his PhD in 1955 he joined the Ceramic Research Institute in Klenčí and Hradec Králové. In 1957 he joined the Institute of Physics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences where he focused on growing single crystals exhibiting ferroelectric properties. He conducted a truly pioneering research in a dramatically developing field.
The work of Bohuslav Březina and his group greatly contributed to the development of the Department of Dielectrics as experimental research could not be conducted without newly synthesized materials. Observations on newly synthesized compounds stimulated both experimentalists and theoreticians. In such a way his work contributed e.g. to the first international conference on ferroelectric phenomena having been organized in Prague.
He initially grew crystals insoluble in water, prepared from melt, later he started growing water-soluble crystals. Bohuslav Březina’s achievements in this field were applied in industrial production in 1980s; his methods were also patent protected. As an internationally recognized expert in crystal growing, he was invited e.g. to stay at the prestigious Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule in Zürich.
In 1973 a popularising book “Ferroelectrics” (“Feroelektrika”, in Czech) was published by Academia, written by Bohuslav Březina and Petr Glogar. The book is a handy introduction to ferroelectricity, unsurpassed until now.
Bohuslav Březina’s former colleagues will also gratefully remember his kind-hearted personality.

(a) Front cover of the book “Ferroelectrics” (“Feroelektrika”, in Czech),
(b-d) Bohuslav Březina's photos of domain structures of a BaTiO3 single crystal grown by the Blattner method:
(b) tetragonal phase at 293 K in crossed polarizers,
(c) coexistence of tetragonal and cubic phases at the phase transition temperature (393 K) in parallel polarizers,
(d) the same in crossed polarizers.
[after: B. Březina and P. Glogar, Feroelektrika, Academia, Praha (1973)].

EXPRO project called ‘Ferroelectric Skyrmions’ for Department of Dielectrics
The team of Jirka Hlinka succeeded in the new EXPRO programme of the Czech Science Foundation, aimed at “high risk - high gain” five-year projects along the idea of the European prestigious ERC programme. The research project is devoted to discovery of skyrmions in ferroelectric materials.
Domain walls in ferroelectrics are naturally formed 2D solitons with a defined, nm-thick polarization profile stable over macroscopic lateral dimensions. Strong coupling of the polarization gradient with strain drastically changes the material properties within the domain wall thickness. Increasing attention is paid to these mobile interfaces because the characterization tools have recently reached the desired nanoscale resolution, needed to uncover the rich spectrum of new phenomena expected there. We are convinced that some ferroelectrics can also host 1D analogues of domain walls, i.e. spontaneously formed ferroelectric line solitons, similar to the recently experimentally confirmed Bogdanov-Yablonski-type magnetic skyrmion lines. We wish to extend the explorations also to these interesting topological objects and to pave a path to the experimental discovery of the ferroelectric skyrmion phases, analogous to the vortex states in superconductors and skyrmion phases of chiral magnets.

Figure: A cross section through a skyrmion fiber. The polarized state of the ferroelectric substance is represented by arrows of electric polarization at each point. The polarization points along the fiber (red color) near the fiber surface, it turns gradually inside and finally, it points in the opposite direction in the center of the fiber (blue color).

Scientists under surveillance - Hynek Němec
Hynek Němec was the 5th guest in a series of video interviews with Czech scientists within a project called Vědci pod mikroskopem (Scientists under surveillance) which is organized by the department of the Deputy Prime Minister for Science, Research and Innovation.
If you want learn some basic ideas about photovoltaic batteries from nanoparticles, terahertz spectroscopy, temporary situation in solid state physics in the Czech Republic etc., listen to
the full interview
(in Czech only).

First place for Alexey Bubnov in Czech WSC 2017
Alexey Bubnov won the first place In the category of image sets in the Czech version of the international Wiki Science Competition (WSC) which was brought to life to encourage the creation and, especially, the free sharing of all sorts of imagery about the sciences.
The winning image set of liquid crystals:

Figure: Photos of various liquid crystals observed under polarized microscope by Alexey Bubnov.

Electromagnon Dance - popular video about electromagnons
PhD student Stella Skiadopoulou created a popular video explaining principle of spin waves excited by electric component of electromagnetic radiation.
What do you think an electromagnon is?
Physics can actually be more fun than you think!
Electromagnons are exotic magnetoelectric excitations that appear in particular materials and make their properties more... exciting!
And if you are wondering where you might bump into one of them, the security scanners is the place.
One of these guys has got your back!

Prime importance is the teamwork in physics
Hynek Němec is one the organizers of Young Physicists Tournament in the Czech Republic. Recently, students of Mendel secondary school in Opava, who won in the national competition, got a silver medal in a competition of 31 teams from all over the world. The International Young Physicists Tournament took place in Singapore from 5th to 12th July 2017. Hynek actually had won the same compotation 20 years ago and nowadays he helps the current students. Listen the whole interview (in Czech only).

Alexey Bubnov was awarded the 2nd place in Photogenic Science Competition 2016
Photos of liquid crystals under a polarized microscope brought the second place to Alexey Bubnov in the category of ‘Photogenic Science’. The competition is organized by the Czech Academy of Sciences and by the association Science is Alive! (Věda žije! in Czech) and its aim is to evaluate photos related to science.
The winning image set of liquid crystals:

Figure: Awarded photo of a liquid crystal in polarized light, called It Warms (Hřeje in Czech).

Prof. Jan Fousek died
Prof. Jan Fousek, after a long disease, passed away on September 4 at the age of 86. Except for small interruptions, within 1958-1990 he headed the Department of Dielectrics of the Institute of Physics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences.
He was involved mainly in the research of domains and domain walls in ferroelectrics.
He organized and chaired the 1st International Meeting on Ferroelectricity in Prague in 1966,
establishing a series of meetings still active up to date. In 1979 he also initiated a
regular series of the Czech–Polish seminars on Ferroelectric and Structural Phase Transitions,
still highly popular in both countries. His death arouses world-wide attention in the scientific
community and a special session will be devoted to his memory at several international conferences.
He can be regarded as a founder of the Czech research on ferroelectrics and the best-known Czech representative in this field.
Jan Petzelt

Jan Petzelt obtained Award of the ECAPD International Committee
The former head of the Department of Dielectrics, Dr. Jan Petzelt, was awarded a prestigious award of the scientific community. During the recent international scientific symposium in Darmstadt ( ECAPD-ISAF-PFM 2016, 21-15.8.2016), he became the first holder of the newly created Award of the ECAPD International Committee. He was recognized for his lifelong contribution to understanding ferroelectric materials through broadband spectroscopy of ferroelectric, relaxor and low-loss dielectric materials.
The award was announced during the important conference in the field, ECAPD-ISAF-PFM 2016, attended this year by almost 500 scientists and students engaged in fundamental and applied research into ferroelectric and polar dielectrics. Dr. Jan Petzelt studied Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague. His scientific career started in 1963 in the Department of Dielectrics, Institute of Physics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences where he accepted the offer to work on a new Fourier infrared spectrometer. In collaboration with Vladimír Dvořák he participated in studying improper ferroelectrics and incommensurately modulated crystals. Jan Petzelt was also engaged in infrared spectroscopy of one- and two-dimensional conductors, ion conductors, dipolar glasses, ceramics for microwave applications, thin ferroelectric films, relaxation ferroelectrics and incipient ferroelectrics, nanocomposites of ferroelectrics and conductive materials etc. Almost every time it was a pioneering work in the field. For example, he was the first to study phonons in thin ferroelectric films. He is an author of more than 350 scientific publications. He was the head of the Department of Dielectrics, Institute of Physics, CAS between 1993 and 2008.

Figure: Czech delegates sharing their joy of the award plaque.

Honorable Ernst Mach award for Jan Petzelt
Jan Petzelt received a honorable Ernst Mach medal awarded by the Czech Academy of Sciences in recognition of his long-standing research in physics.
He is an internationally accepted authority in solid state physics. Throughout his long career at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences he has contributed to development of physics of dielectric materials. His scientific publications have more than 7000 citations (h-index 46). Since the 1990s he has focused on the investigation of application-attractive materials, particularly ferroelectric thin films and ceramics, relaxor ferroelectrics, novel ferroelectric nanocomposites with considerable dielectric properties and their broadband dielectric spectroscopy.
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Hynek Němec in Hyde Park Civilization
Laureates of the Neuron Award 2015 in the category of Young Scientists were guests of Hyde Park Civilization. Among them Hynek Němec who obtained the award for physics.
Hyde Park Civilization is an interactive programme produced by the Czech Television. It is a programme that deals with the world of science and problems of the modern society.

Neuron Award 2015 for Hynek Němec
On the 6th May 2015 Hynek Němec obtained prestigious Neuron Award in the category of Young Scientists. The award is annually presented to researches under 40 for their outstanding scientific results.