The school was organized by the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University, and University of Liège (Belgium).
Organizing committee
- Eric Bousquet (Univ. Liège)
- Sabine Koerbel (Trinity College Dublin)
- Ladislav Kalvoda (Czech Technical University)
- Marek Paściak (Institute of Physics, Czech Acad. Sci.)
- Pavel Márton (Institute of Physics, Czech Acad. Sci.)
- Jiří Hlinka (Institute of Physics, Czech Acad. Sci.)
Local committee
- Pavel Márton
- Jan Pokorný
- Marek Paściak
- Ladislav Kalvoda
- Zuzana Dočekalová
- Martin Dráb
- Alexej Bubnov
- Marie Janovská
- Jiří Hlinka