Liquid crystals
Search for new liquid crystalline materials with chiral rod-like molecules with FE and AF structures and twist grain boundary (TGB) phases.
Study of „de Vries“ materials, which may provide a defect-free FE structure in planar cells for display application.
Research of banana-like molecules. Characterization of new type of phases.
Search and study of liquid crystalline monomers to be used as mesogenic parts for design and preparation of dimers and polymers with polar mesophases.
Investigation of dielectric, electrooptical and optical properties and properties of relaxation modes in different types of phases.
Chirality, surface interactions, defects in FE and AF phases of confined samples and free-standing films, their relation to observed textures and their behaviour in electric field. Theoretical description.
Photoelectric effect in photosensitive materials and study of luminescent liquid crystalline compounds.
Studies of mixtures to optimize the physical properties and to stabilize or induce new phases.