Liquid crystals
Polarizing microscope (NIKON Eclipse E600Pol) with the heating-freezing stage (THMS600 Linkam) used for texture observation, digital photo-camera NIKON COOLPIX 990
Multifunctional Oven BINDER VD23 for cell preparation/filling
Impedance analysers (Hewlet/Packard 4192A and Schlumberger SI 1260) for dielectric spectroscopy study in the range of 0.1 Hz-30 MHz applied for dielectric spectroscopy measurements
Memory digital oscilloscopes (Le Croy 3904 and TEKTRONIX TDC70) for spontaneous polarisation and switching time measurement
Photoelastic modulator PEM 100 by HINDS Instruments, lock-in amplifier SR 844 (25 kHz-200 MHz), PIN diode and function generator (Philips PM 5191) in the birefringence measurements set-up