1. Species
Two different symmetry-breaking phase transitions in a crystalline material are said to belong to the same species G > F if their high-symmetry phase belong to same macroscopic symmetry class G, their low-symmetry phase belong to same macroscopic symmetry class F and for a suitably chosen domain state they have the same correspondence between the symmetry elements of symmetry groups G and F.

Species No.: serial number #... of a species from the list of all 212 species
G … crystallographic point group or class expressing the symmetry of the high-symmetry (parent, prototypic) phase
F … crystallographic point group of a representative domain state of the low-symmetry (descent, ferroic) phase or the associated oriented class.

When necessary, the orientation of the symmetry elements in F with respect to G is indicated by extra subscripts |,/,_,+. Their meaning is given in Section 3.

2. List of 32 crystallographic point group classes
triclinic 1, 1
monoclinic 2, m, 2/m
orthorhombic 222, mm2, mmm
tetragonal 4, 4, 4/m, 422, 4mm, 42m, 4/mmm
hexagonal 3, 3, 32, 3m, 3m,
6, 6, 6/m, 622, 6mm, 62m, 6/mmm
cubic 23, m3, 432, 43m, m3m
() pyroelectric classes
() pyroaxial classes
As usual, inversion axes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 stand for -1,-2,-3,-4, and -6 when more convenient and vice versa.

3. Orientation of two-fold axes and mirror plane operations of F with respect to G
Symmetry of point group G Tetragonal and hexagonal Cubic
Orientation of two-fold axes 2 and mirror planes m of subgroup F
in rectangular coordinate system of point group G
[001] <100> <100> <110>
Notation 2| m| 2 m 2+ m+ 2\ m\

4. Internal symmetry of the tabulated macroscopic tensors
Symbol Matrix components Tensor Internal symmetry of a tensor Physical property
Symbol Number
c c 1 Scalar c Heat capacity
ρ ρ 1 Pseudoscalar ε Chirality
p pi 3 Polar vector V Spontaneous polarization, pyroelectricity, electrocaloric effect
t ti 3 Pseudovector εV Pyroaxiality
6 Tensor of the 2nd rank [V2] Strain*)
g gμ 6 Pseudotensor of the 2nd rank ε[V2] Symmetric optical activity*)
18 Tensor of the 3rd rank V[V2] Piezoelectricity*)
A A 18 Pseudotensor of the 3rd rank εV[V2] Electrogyration*)
s sμν 21 Tensor of the 4th rank [[V2]2] Elastic compliance*)
36 Tensor of the 4th rank [V2]2 Electrostriction*)

i, j = 1,2,3; μ,ν = 1,2,...,6.
*) in contracted (matrix) notation

5. Layout of the tabulated arrays of the property-tensor matrices

Internal symmetry of tabulated arrays

* in contracted (matrix) notation

Representative property tensors
Polar property tensors (see details)
ε0Xe   Electric susceptibility
  Thermal expansion
d   Piezoelectricity
s   Elastic compliance
Axial property tensors (see details)
ρ   Chirality
t   Pyroaxiality
Xax   Axial susceptibility
g   Symmetric optical activity
A   Electrogyration

6. Domain states
In general, phase transitions with broken macroscopic symmetry in crystals result in several orientational states of the lower-symmetry phase(principal macroscopic domain states). Sometimes, two or more distinct principal macroscopic domain states can have common orientation of a particular property tensor, for example same spontaneous strain. Set of such domain states is then considered as a single ferroelastic domain state. Similarly, ferroelectric domain state is constituted by all principal domain states sharing the same spontaneous polarization vector. The numbers of the domains states distinguishable by various tensor properties is uniquely defined by the species describing the phase transition associated with the domain structure of the material. In the DOMAIN STATES section of this website, we are listing the following quantities:
  • n ... number of orientation domain states and principal domain states
  • dF ... number of principal domain states with the same symmetry group F
  • nF ... number of subgroups conjugate with F
  • ne ... number of ferroelectric domain states
  • nax ... number of ferroaxial domain states
  • na ... number of ferroelastic domain states
  • ni ... number of piezoelectric domain states

7. Fine classification of ferroelectric, ferroaxial and ferroelastic phase transtions
Classification of ferroic phase (Aizu)
(with respect to ferroelectricity)
ef faithful (full) ferroelectric, ne = n
ed degenerate (partial) ferroelectric, 1 < ne < n
et trivial ferroelectric, ne = 1
en non-ferroelectric, ne = 0
(with respect to ferroaxiality)
axf faithful (full) ferroaxial, nax = n
axd degenerate (partial) ferroaxial, 1 < nax < n
axt trivial ferroaxial, nax = 1
axn non-ferroaxial, nax = 0
(with respect to ferroelasticity)
af faithful (full) ferroelastic, na = n
ad degenerate (partial) ferroelastic, 1 < na < n
at trivial ferroelastic, na = 1

8. Group-subgroup diagrams

Cubic species - subgroups with a cubic summit:

display all cubic species with G = m-3m display all cubic species with G = m-3 display all cubic species with G = 432 display all cubic species with G = -43m display all species with G = 23

Hexagonal species - subgroups with a hexagonal summit:

display all hexagonal species with G = 6/mmm display all hexagonal species with G = -3m display all hexagonal species with G = 6/m display all hexagonal species with G = 622 display all hexagonal species with G = 6mm display all hexagonal species with G = -6m2 display all hexagonal species with G = -3 display all hexagonal species with G = 32 display all hexagonal species with G = 3m display all hexagonal species with G = 6 display all hexagonal species with G = -6 display all hexagonal species with G = 3

Tetragonal species - subgroups with a tetragonal summit:

display all tetragonal species with G = 4/mmm display all tetragonal species with G = 4/m display all tetragonal species with G = 422 display all tetragonal species with G = 4mm display all tetragonal species with G = -42m display all tetragonal species with G = 4 display all tetragonal species with G = -4

Triclinic, monoclinic and orthorombic species - subgroups with triclinic, monoclinic and orthorombic summits:

display all triclinic species with G = -1 display all monoclinic species with G = 2/m display all monoclinic species with G = 2 display all monoclinic species with G = m display all orthorombic species with G = mmm display all orthorombic species with G = 222 display all orthorombic species with G = mm2