TOPO 2019 banner

Main topics

Invited speakers

Technical program

The program started on Sunday evening, 16th June, the lectures started on Monday morning, 17th June, and finished on Thursday early afternoon, 20th June.

Sunday, June 16 (Floret)
18:00–20:00Get together event
Monday, June 17 (Floret)
8:30–9:10T. Jungwirth
Crystal symmetries and transport phenomena in antiferromagnets
9:10–9:30L. Smejkal
Electronic Structure of Crystal Hall Antiferromagnets
9:30–9:50J. Mackel
Topological defects in ferroics: Searching for skyrmions in magnetic thin films and ferroelectric single crystals
9:50–10:30P. Zubko
Nanoscale domains in metal-ferroelectric heterostructures
10:30–11:00Coffee break
11:00–11:40F. Araoka
Electrical-frustration induced topological defects in nematics: topological defect array and dynamic solitons
11:40–12:20A. Saxena
Merons, skyrmions and tubular structures in chiral magnets and liquid crystals
12:20–13:00P. Jizba
TUTORIAL 1: Introduction to homotopy theory
14:30–15:00P. Jizba
TUTORIAL 2 : Introduction to solitons and instantons
15:00–15:40M. G. Vergniory
Introducing Topological Quantum Chemistry for materials search and applications
15:40–16:00K. Shapovalov
Bistable interfacial polarization and ferroelectricity in SrTiO3
16:00–16:30M. Mochizuki
Microwave-driven dynamics of magnetic skyrmions
16:30–17:00Coffee break
17:00–17:40B. Braun
Dynamical skyrmions and emergent electromagnetism of moving monopoles in nanostructures
17:40–18:20S. Kralj
Classical nematic liquid crystal analogues of Majorana particles
18:20–18:50H. N. Lee
Interfacial control of noncollinear spin strucures in 3d-5d quantum heterostructures
18:50–19:00group photo
20:20–21:00I. I. Smalyukh
Tuesday, June 18 (Floret)
8:30–9:10C. Pfleiderer
Topological magnetic order far from equilibrium
9:10–9:50J. Seidel
Topological structures as nanoscale functional elements
9:50–10:30A. Grunebohm
Functional bubble domains in ferroelectric superlattices
10:30–11:00Coffee break
11:00–11:40R. Rivers
Testing causality in defect production in annular junctions and superconductors
11:40–12:20C. A. Heikes
The interplay of polar structure, superconductivity, and topology in Weyl semimetal MoTe2
12:20–13:00F. N. Rybakov
Hopfions in magnets and superconductors
14:30–14:40Short introduction of poster contributions
14:40–15:10V. P. Kravchuk
Nonlinear dynamics of skyrmion strings
15:10–15:50O. Gomonay
Antiferromagnetic skyrmion: spin eigen-modes and current-induced dynamics
15:50–16:30M. Klaui
Topological dynamics - ultrafast spin manipulation for novel memory and thermal diffusion for unconventional logic devices
16:30–17:00Coffee break
17:00–17:40I. Kezsmarki
Switching between Neel- and Bloch-type skyrmions in lacunar spinels
17:40–18:00R. L. Dally
Probing skyrmion dynamics with SANS in GaV4S8
18:00–18:20S. Ghara
Conducting domain walls in the orbital-order driven polar state of lacunar spinels
18:20–19:00T. Ono
Vanishing skyrmion Hall effect in ferrimagnet
20:20–21:00L. Eng
Identifying the novel Skyrmion phase in Cu2OSeO3 by Magnetic-Force-Microscopy
Wednesday, June 19 (Floret)
8:30–9:10A. Loidl
MnCr2S4: a multiferroic spin supersolid
9:10–9:50S. M. Griffin
Doubling up the topological order in hexagonal manganites
9:50–10:30S. Coh
Phonons with angular momentum in systems with broken symmetries
10:30–11:00Coffee break
11:00–11:40C. Lichtensteiger
Tuning of the depolarization field, built-in voltage and nanodomain structure in ferroelectric thin films
11:40–12:00B. Kirbus
Real-time and in-situ probing of first- and second-order phase transitions of BaTiO3 domain walls through 3D Cherenkov SHG
12:00–12:20C. Weymann
Domain configuration and microstructure in ferroelectric ultrathin films
12:20–13:00S. Cherifi Hertel
SHG imaging of nontrivial polarization textures at and close to ferroelectric domain walls
14:30–15:10E. K. H. Salje
Domain glass phenomena
15:10–15:50W. Schranz
Dynamic phase transitions in ferroelastic systems with randomly pinned domain walls
15:50–16:30M. Stengel
New functionalities from gradients: Flexoelectricity and more
16:30–17:00Coffee break
17:00–17:40T. W. Noh
Ferroelectrically tunable magnetic skyrmions in ultrathin oxide heterostructures
17:40–18:10V. Ya. Shur
Growth of dendrite domains and superfast domain shape transformation in ferroelectrics
18:10–18:30A. R. Akhmatkhanov
Transition from 2D to 1D domain growth in KTP with surface dielectric layer
18:30–19:00G. Catalan
Metal-insulator phase boundaries in VO2 films
20:20–21:00L.Q. Chen
Computational Understanding and Prediction of Polar States in Ferroelectric Heterostructures Using Phase-field Method
Thursday, June 20 (Kaiserštejnský Palace)
7:30–9:00Bus transfer to the city centre (departures 7:30 and 8:15)
9:00–9:20A. Cano
Multiferroic Fe langasite materials and their emergent magnetic textures
9:20–9:50V. A. Stoica
Optical creation of a supercrystal with three-dimensional nanoscale periodicity
9:50–10:10W. Peng
Relaxor-like ferroelectricity in BaTiO3 films via epitaxial symmetry engineering
10:10–10:50I. Lukyanchuk
Topology of ferroelectrics at the nanoscale: negative and super-capacitance, multivalued logic, and knotting
10:50–11:10Coffee break
11:10–11:50O. A. Tretiakov
Magnetic bimerons as skyrmion analogues in in-plane magnets
11:50–12:30H. Wen
Ultrafast structural dynamics of ferroelectric domains and vortices
12:30–12:50M. A. P. Goncalves
Second-principles studies of topological textures in ferroelectrics
12:50–13:30R. Ramesh
Observation of room temperature polar skyrmions