The program has been completed and abstract submission has been closed. We would like to express our thanks to all the participants for their submissions.
The ideal format is A0 portrait as the poster boards are 100 cm wide and 120 cm high. Please do not use self-adhesive tapes or Velcro which will not work. Pins will be available on site.
There will be no dedicated poster session. All posters will be displayed throughout the duration of the Workshop. We recommend mounting all the posters on Monday after lunch. All the posters should be removed on Thursday before 11:00.
The time dedicated to your talk is indicated in the online program. Please make sure to include enough time for discussion (15–20%).
A conference laptop with Windows 7 operating system will be available for presentations. The following presentation file formats will be supported:
If you intend to use the conference laptop (preferred option), please provide your presentation file on a USB flash disk at least 10 min before the session starts.