15th International Conference on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals:

Challenges in polar self-assembling systems (FLC–15)

Prague, Czech Republic
June 28 – July 3, 2015

The series of International Conferences on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals (FLC‘s) is devoted to basic and applied aspects of new self-assembling materials possessing chiral and polar structures and properties. These conferences have been organized in odd years in between International Conferences on Liquid Crystals:

1.Arcachon (France)1987
2.Goteborg (Sweden)1989
3.Boulder (USA)1991
4.Tokyo (Japan)1993
5.Cambridge (UK)1995
6.Brest (France)1997
7.Darmstadt (Germany)1999
8.Washington (USA)2001
9.Dublin (Ireland)2003
10.Stare Jablonki (Poland)2005
11.Sapporo (Japan)2007
12.Zaragoza (Spain)2009
13.Niagara Falls (Canada)2011
14.Magdeburg (Germany)2013
15.Prague (Czech Republic)2015
16.Hong Kong2017

Main topics

Thematical scope of the 15th International Conference on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals included all its traditional subjects:

Conference schedule

The conference started on Sunday, June 28 at 17:00 by registration, followed by welcome reception. The scientific program will start on Monday, June 29 around 8:30. The program continued until Friday, July 3 around 13:00.

FLC-15 preliminary schedule

A high-resolution version (PNG) of the final schedule is available for print.


Sunday, June 28
19:00–21:00Welcome reception
Monday, June 29
 SESSION 1 (9:00–10:40)
9:00–9:45Hideo Takezoe
Recent topics in polar liquid crystals
9:45–10:15Fumito Araoka
Improved performance in the ferroelectric columnar liquid crystal
10:15–10:35Xiao Meng
Combined electrochemical and ferroelectric behavior in a columnar liquid crystal
10:40–11:10Coffee break
 SESSION 2 (11:10–12:50)
11:10–11:40Dong Ki Yoon
Orientation control of B4, helical nanofilament phase
11:40–12:00Joseph Maclennan
Field alignment of bent-core smectic liquid crystals
12:00–12:20Mikhail Osipov
Molecular origin of the ferroelectric order, effective flexoelectricity and twist-bend structure in bent-core nematics
12:20–12:40Damian Pociecha
1D, 2D and 3D liquid crystalline phases formed by bent-core mesogens
 SESSION 3 (14:30–16:00)
14:30–15:00Martin Copic
Ferromagnetism in suspensions of magnetic platelets in liquid crystal
15:00–15:20Yoichi Takanishi
Chiral doping effect on the layer structure in the B2 phase of the bent-core liquid crystal
15:20–15:40Alexandros Vanakaras
Domain structure and polar order in orthogonal bent core smectic liquid crystals
15:40–16:00Nerea Sebastian
Optical and dielectric studies of distinct ferroelectric liquid crystalline phases formed by carbosilane terminated 4-resorcinol bisbenzoates
16:00–16:30Tea time
 SESSION 4 (16:30–17:45)
16:30–16:50Pawel Perkowski
Dielectric behavior of antiferroelectric liquid crystals with direct transition from isotropic liquids
16:50–17:10Vladimir Bezborodov
From 2-methylbutyl esters of 4-substituted benzoic acids to chiral polyphenylens: FLC research in Belarus
17:30–19:30POSTER SESSION I.
Tuesday, June 30
 SESSION 5 (9:00–10:40)
9:00–9:45Frank Giesselmann
The lyotropic analogue of the chiral smectic C* phase
9:45–10:15Antal Jakli
The role of defects in sensing lipids with liquid crystals
10:15–10:35Chloe Tartan
Stabilizing photonic switching states in chiral liquid crystals using 2-photon polymerization
10:40–11:10Coffee break
 SESSION 6 (11:10–12:50)
11:10–11:40Ewa Gorecka
New nematic phases - what we know and what we do not?
11:40–12:00Alexander Emelyanenko
Induction of new ferrielectric smectic phases in the electric field
12:00–12:20Vladimira Novotna
Unique field effect in the TGBA phase in a new lactic acid derivative
12:20–12:40Akihiro Mochizuki
A unique smectic liquid crystal switching behavior
 SESSION 7 (14:30–16:00)
14:30–15:00Valentina Domenici
NMR contributions to understand the orientational, dynamic and conformational properties in ‘de-Vries’ liquid crystals
15:00–15:20Samuel Sprunt
Second harmonic generation by a twist-bend nematic liquid crystal
15:20–15:40Yuri Panarin
Electrooptical effects in bent-core LC systems
15:40–16:00Pawel Karbowniczek
Excluded volume interactions and structure formation in thin layers of bent-core systems
16:00–16:30Tea time
 SESSION 8 (16:30–17:45)
16:30–17:00Wiktor Piecek
Orthoconic antiferroelectric smectic liquid crystals – the extensive study of influence of the molecular structure on the physical properties and electrooptical performance
17:00–17:20Jun Yamamoto
Slippery Interfaces - Drastic reduction of driving voltage for ultra-fast switching SmC* by the lubrication of the motion of C-director on the slippery interfaces
17:20–17:40Michal Kohout
Design and synthesis of photosensitive bent-shaped liquid crystals based on 3-hydroxybenzoic acid
Wednesday, July 1
 SESSION 9 (9:00–10:40)
9:00–9:45M. Blanca Ros
Bent-core structures as versatile building blocks for polar self-assembling systems
9:45–10:15Ingo Dierking
Smectic layer instabilities in chiral liquid crystals
10:15–10:35Jan Lagerwall
Chiral smectic C materials in shells and in fibers
10:40–11:10Coffee break
 SESSION 10 (11:10–13:10)
11:30–11:50Zbigniew Galewski
New class of chiral azobenzene mesogens. 4-[(E)-(4-alkylphenyl)diazenyl]phenyl cholesteryl succinates
11:50–12:10Agnieszka Chrzanowska
Possible mechanisms of polar order in 2D systems of banana type liquid crystals
12:10–12:30Shin-Ya Sugisawa
Extra-ordinary disruption dynamics in smectic-A films in polar and non-polar LC mixture
12:30–12:50Dharmendra Singh
ZnS:Mn d-dots dispersed ferroelectric liquid crystal: Modulation of mesophase, relaxation dynamics and faster display characteristics
12:50–13:10Chia-Rong Lee
Wide-band tunable liquid crystal polymer template photonic bandgap and laser
14:30–19:00Free time
19:00–22:00Boat trip & dinner
Thursday, July 2
 SESSION 11 (9:00–10:40)
9:00–9:45Carsten Tschierske
Dynamic symmetry breaking in liquids and liquid crystals
9:45–10:15Przemyslaw Kula
Synthesis and properties of oligophenyl based chiral dopants for short pitch ferroelectric materials
10:15–10:35Jiri Svoboda
Aryl end-capped bent-shaped liquid crystals
10:40–11:10Coffee break
 SESSION 12 (11:10–12:50)
11:10–11:40David Walba
The helical nanofilament phase – structure and applications
11:40–12:00Noel Clark
Diastereomeric liquid crystal domains at the mesoscale
12:00–12:20Oliver Kress
Tension of self assembled bent-core liquid crystal filaments with and without carbon nanotubes
12:20–12:40Manju Middha
Improved electro-optic behaviour of induced chiral nematic liquid crystals doped with multiwalled carbon nano tubes
 SESSION 13 (14:30–16:00)
14:30–15:00Natasa Vaupotic
Cubic and tetragonal phases based on chiral rod-like molecules
15:00–15:20Mojca Cepic
3D smectic phase: Can the discrete phenomenological model of antiferroelectric liquid crystals account for it?
15:20–15:40Jun Yoshioka
Director/Barycentric rotation in Cholesteric droplets under heat flow
15:40–16:00Grzegorz Pajak
Modulated structures induced by chirality and flexopolarization: Landau–deGennes approach
16:00–16:30Tea time
 SESSION 14 (16:30–18:00)
16:30–17:00Giusy Scalia
The effects of well-dispersed carbon nanotubes on the phase sequence of ferro- and antiferroelectric liquid crystals
17:00–17:20Yoshiaki Uchida
Luminol emission in cholesteric liquid crystalline microcapsule
17:20–17:40Eduardo Soto Bustamante
Electropolymerization process as a tool to enhance alignment layer for ferroelectrics
17:40–18:00Martin Cigl
Azo-based liquid crystals with stabilized Z-isomers
Friday, July 3
 SESSION 15 (9:00–10:40)
9:00–9:50Vladimir Chigrinov
Ferroelectric LC devices for displays and photonics
9:50–10:20Morten Geday
Ultrafast AFLC based for passive display for true 3D images
10:20–10:40Stephen Morris
Optically switchable smart windows and photovoltaics using chiral liquid crystals
10:40–11:10Coffee break
 SESSION 16 (11:10–12:50)
11:10–11:30Jagdish Vij
Periodic patterns in the Ntb phase of achiral bimesogens and the elastic constants close to the nematic-Ntb phase transition
11:30–11:50Jia-De Lin
Omni-directionally and all-optically controllable dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystal fiber laser
11:50–12:10Valeri Lapanik
Viscous ferroelectric liquid crystalline compounds: Basis for fast-switching displays
12:10–12:30Hoi Sing Kwok
FLC as a replacement of IPS LCD
12:30–12:40FLC 2017


P1 – Takuya Akita
New molecular design strategy for chiral paramagnetic nitroxide radical liquid crystals

P2 – Mohamed Alaasar
Chiral and polar phases formed by photosensitive fluorinated bent-core liquid crystals

P3 – Fumito Araoka
Self-assembly of a dimer molecule to form diverse supermolecular archtectures

P4 – Kvetoslava Bajzikova
All-organic paramagnetic bent-shaped liquid crystals

P5 – Vladimir Bezborodov
Ferroelectric liquid crystalline derivatives of aminoacids

P6 – Shinji Bono
The nematic order induced by anchoring surface of nanoemulsion droplets

P7 – Alexej Bubnov
Chiral photosensitive liquid crystals as functional dopants for organic solar cells

P8 – Alexej Bubnov
Tuning the phase diagrams – miscibility studies of multilactate liquid crystalline compounds

P9 – Daniel Budaszewski
Photonic crystal fibers infiltrated with photo-aligned ferroelectric liquid crystals

P10 – Agnes Buka
Unusual polarity-dependent patterns in a bent-core nematic liquid crystal under low frequency ac field

P11 – Sylwia Calus
Ferroelectric liquid crystal in nanoconfinement: Molecular ordering inside tabular nanochannels explored by optical polarimetry techniques

P12 – Ting-Huei Chen
Utilized polymer-dispersed blue-phase liquid crystals to fabricate polarization independence gratings

P13 – Zhengdong Cheng
The twisted structure formation in discotic suspensions

P14 – Nakcho Choi
Retardation analysis of vesicle structure of lyotropic liquid crystals

P15 – Nakcho Choi
Piezoelectric effect of FLC in vertical and horizontal Alignment

P16 – Wing-Kit Choi
Effects of floating electrode on the electro-optic properties of polymer-stabilized blue-phase liquid crystal displays

P17 – Wing-Kit Choi
Polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystal displays with low operation voltage

P18 – Noel Clark
Onsager ferromagnetic fluids: Spontaneous polar liquid crystal orderingof magnetic nano-plates

P19 – Dorota Dardas
Image processing technique for liquid crystalline blue phases optical textures analysis

P20 – Dorota Dardas
Orientational order of some liquid crystal/dye mixtures

P21 – Sergio Diez-Berart
Miscibility studies on two homologue twist-bend liquid crystal dimers

P22 – Sergio Diez-Berart
Existence of two consecutive glass transitions in the nematic order of an odd non-symmetric liquid crystal dimer dispersed with ?-alumina nanoparticles

P23 – Ting-Jie Ding
Electrically-tunable blue phase microlens with a photoconductive layer

P24 – Pavel Dolganov
2π-walls in antiferroelectric free-standing films at high temperature

P25 – Nandor Eber
Characteristics of flexoelectric domains in a bent-core nematic under ultra-low frequency ac electric field

P26 – Alexander Emelyanenko
Induced polarization and new ferrielectric smectic phases in the electric field

P27 – Sahbi Essid
Field-Induced ferrielectric state and transitions in chiral antiferroelectric liquid crystal in applied electric fields

P28 – Jakub Fitas
New ferroelectric and antiferroelectric liquid crystals for application in new generation of LCDs

P29 – Hirokazu Furue
Study on blue phase liquid crystals using photocurable monomers for nano-structured materials

P30 – Hirokazu Furue
Study on lyotropic liquid crystals doped with DNA

P31 – Edward Guzman
New developments in SmAPF materials

P32 – Vera Hamplova
Photo-optical properties of amorphous and crystalline films of azobenzene-containing bent-shaped photochromes

P33 – Vera Hamplova
Lactic acid derivatives - eutectic behavior of binary mixtures

P34 – Sho Hanehara
Transmembrane mass transport driven by the director rotation in smectic-C* free-standing films

P35 – David Hansford
Coherence properties of liquid crystal lasers

P36 – Kazuyuki Hiraoka
Phase transition and electric-field-induced deformation of a chiral smectic A liquid crystalline elastomer

P37 – Kazuyuki Hiraoka
Molecular fluctuation of chiral and achiral smectic liquid crystals studied by 13C-NMR spectroscopy

P38 – Tomas Hodik
Chiral liquid crystalline ligands for nanocomposites

P39 – Martin Horcic
Bent-shaped mesogens with terminal hydroxyl group

P40 – Yung-H. Hsu
Polarization independent liquid crystal lens base on a hole-patterned metal foil electrode

P41 – Tahir Ibragimov
Formation of local electric fields in the ferroelectric BaTiO3 particles-liquid crystal colloids

P42 – Yosuke Iwai
Rotation of a chiral nematic liquid crystalline microcapsule

P43 – Antal Jakli
Azo-containing asymmetric bent-core liquid crystals with modulated smectic phases

P44 – Rui-Fu Jian
Blue phase liquid crystals applied in polarization switching 1D/2D gratings

P45 – Sung Yong Jo
Polymer stabilized blue phase II for liquid crystal laser

P46 – Ki-Beom Kim
Chiral-optical modulation using achiral rod-like molecules nanosegregated in the B4 structure of achiral bent-core molecule

P47 – Magdalena Knapkiewicz
Experimental evidence of the switching process in smectic C*? phase of chiral ferroelectric liquid crystals

P48 – Vaclav Kozmik
Liquid crystals with naphthalene central core

P49 – Wojciech Kuczynski
Non-linear electro-optical effects in the study of the helical smectic liquid crystals

P50 – Katarzyna Kurp
Influence of two ring compound structure on helical pitch in SmC* phase

P51 – Valeri Lapanik
Electrooptic properties of nematic and ferroelectric liquid crystalline graphene nanocolloids

P52 – Valeri Lapanik
Goldstone mode and beyond. Is the Goldstone mode relaxation frequency in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals really temperature independent?

P53 – Jun Hyup Lee
Vertical alignment of liquid crystal using an in situ self-assembled molecular layer on the hydrophilic ITO electrodes

P54 – Lubor Lejcek
Filaments in the TGBA phase

P55 – Lubor Lejcek
Inclusions with finite surface anchoring energies in smectic C and chiral smectic C* free-standing films

P56 – Shih-Hung Lin
A fast-tunable Blue-phase liquid crystal microlens array

P57 – Jia-De Lin
Wide-band spatially tunable and hyper-reflective cholesteric liquid crystal polymer template

P58 – Jia-De Lin
Spatially tunable lasing in polymer-stabilized blue phase

P59 – Ke-Chin Lin
Polarization-independent blue phase Fresnel lens with a photoconductive layer

P60 – Monika Marzec
New ferroelectric liquid crystals studied by complementary methods

P61 – Hiroshi Moritake
Bandwidth control of full pitch band in a chiral smectic liquid crystal by varying incident angle, temperature, and electric field

P62 – Stephen Morris
Enhanced amplified spontaneous emission in perovskites using flexible cholesteric liquid crystal reflectors

P63 – Suwat Nanan
Blueshift in photoluminescence of composites based on dispersion of either CdS or ZnS nanoparticle in nematic liquid crystal

P64 – Izabela Niezgoda
Mesomorphic and spectroscopic properties of 2-methylbutyl 4-[(E)-2-[4-(dodecyloxy)phenyl]diazenyl]benzoate

P65 – Josu Ortega
Ferroelectric switching in a chromonic nematic liquid crystal based on a bowl-shaped boron subphthalocyanine (SubPc) derivative

P66 – Josu Ortega
Origin of the degradation of cholesteric liquid crystal lasers: Thermally-induced light scattering effects

P67 – Yuri Panarin
Deformed Helix Electrooptic effect in non-chiral bent-core LCs

P68 – Rami Pashameah
Synthesis and properties of novel liquid crystals with bulky terminal groups for ferroelectric mixtures

P69 – Marta Podruczna
Liquid-crystalline polymorphism of azobenzene derivatives with carbonyl moiety

P70 – Anna Poryvai
New chiral photosensitive liquid crystalline ligands

P71 – Beatriz Robles-Hernández
Dielectric studies of a cyanostilbene bent-core liquid crystal

P72 – Patricio Romero
Effect of electropolymerization in orthoconic antiferroelectric mixtures

P73 – Stanislaw Rozanski
Influence of hydrophobic aerosil nanoparticles on the dielectric properties of ferroelectric liquid crystal

P74 – Genadz Sasnouski
Condensation synthetic approach in the synthesis of lateral substituted ester-type FLC compounds

P75 – Nerea Sebastian
A fibre-forming modulated smectic liquid crystalline phase below a twist-bend nematic phase

P76 – Sithara P. Sreenilayam
Flexoelectric polarization studies in bent-core nematic LC

P77 – Maddasani Srinivasulu
Synthesis and characterization of new achiral ferroelectric 1,2,4 – oxadiazole liquid crystalline materials with different end moieties

P78 – Yoichi Takanishi
Field-induced superlattice structures and effective long-range interlayer interactions (LRILIs) in ferrielectric liquid crystals

P79 – Yulay Timirov
Dynamics of microdispersed chiral nematic droplets in ac electric field

P80 – Jiri Tuma
DFT calculations of bent-core liquid crystals based on 3-hydroxybenzoic acid: structure vs. mesomorphic behaviour

P81 – Kiyoaki Usami
Electric field dependence of the size of domains induced in optically isotropic phase of bent-core liquid crystals

P82 – Terezia Vojtylova
Comparison of separation behavior of ferroelectrics liquid crystals by chiral HPLC

P83 – Terezia Vojtylova
New approach in chiral HPLC for a study of the optical purity of new synthetized diazenes

P84 – Hui-Chen Yeh
Switchable Fresnel lens in polymer network surface-stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystals

P85 – Jun Yoshioka
Stability of double twisted structure in spherical cholesteric droplets

P86 – Magdalena Zurowska
Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of new high tilted antiferroelectric liquid crystals with the direct SmCA*-Iso transition

P87 – Magdalena Zurowska
Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of new orthoconic antiferroelectric liquid crystals formed from different 1-methylalkanols

P88 – Xiao Meng
Combined electrochemical and ferroelectric behavior in a columnar liquid crystal

P89 – Giusy Scalia
Optical investigations of an orthoconic AFLC



The venue of the FLC-15 conference was Hotel DAP***, Vitezne namesti 4/684, 160 00 Praha 6 – Dejvice.

Hotel DAP

The venue was conveniently located at the Metro (Underground) station Dejvicka (green line A), in a close vicinity of the Prague Castle.

City of Prague

Certovka millwheel

Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, is well known for its historical monuments, classical architecture and rich cultural heritage that continues today in many theaters, concert halls, opera houses and galleries. Come and discover this wonderful city and walk in the footsteps not only of Franz Kafka and Antonin Dvorak but also of Tycho de Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Bernard Bolzano, Christian Doppler, Albert Einstein, Jaroslav Heyrovsky, Vladimir Prelog and others.

Vltava river in Prague

Transport from Prague Airport to the Conference venue

Public transport

Bus 119: Prague Airport (Letiste Vaclava Havla) → Nadrazi Veleslavin, then take metro to Dejvicka station (2 stops). The journey takes 30 minutes. Bus stops are situated directly in front of both airport terminals. There are two exits from Dejvicka metro station. You can take the exit with non-moving stairs and follow the sign “Smer: Vitezne namesti” (there is a lift behind the stairs). After leaving stairs or the lift in the vestibule, turn to the right and follow the same direction signs. After climbing another non-moving stairs and turning right, you will see the building of hotel DAP.

Prague public transport is fast, efficient and frequent. Metro and most daily trams and buses operate every day from 5 AM till midnight. Night trams and buses (line numbers beginning with 5) operate throughout the night. Similar to most capitals, the concentration of picpockets is elevated, be aware in the historical centre as well as on your route from/to the airport.

Petrin cable car

Basic fare of 32 CZK (approx. 1.20 EUR) entitles the holder to use all means of public transport (Metro, trams, buses and cable car to the Petrin hill) for up to 90 minutes including unlimited number of changes. Cheaper fare of 24 CZK (approx. 0.90 EUR) entitles the holder to use the public transport for up to 30 minutes (daytime only; cheaper rate does not apply in night trams/buses). The ticket must be validated using a yellow box while entering the first bus or tram, or while first entering designated area in Metro. After validation, just keep the ticket with you.

Tickets can be purchased at:

When entering the bus, remember to validate the ticket.

Taxi (AAA, Radiocab)

The journey from the airport to Vitezne namesti (Dejvicka metro station) takes less than half an hour and should cost around 400 CZK. The taxi rank of both official airport companies (AAA radiotaxi and Radiocab) is situated directly in front of the airport terminal. For the journey back, we strongly recommend ordering a taxi from your hotel reception rather than finding a cab in the street.


Transport from railway stations to the Conference venue

All principal railway stations are situated along Metro stations. There are only 3 Metro lines in Prague (A, B, C) so it is not difficult to reach Dejvicka station (terminal of the green line A). There are two exits from Dejvicka metro station. You can take the exit with non-moving stairs and follow the sign “Smer: Vitezne namesti” (there is a lift behind the stairs). After leaving stairs or the lift in the vestibule, turn to the right and follow the same direction signs. After climbing another non-moving stairs and turning right, you will see the building of hotel DAP.
If you decide to take a taxi, we strongly recommend ordering one rather than finding a cab in the street. For AAA radiotaxi, just call 14014 and wait 5–10 minutes until your taxi (yellow colour) picks you up.

(Photographs courtesy of fungus2)

Registration and fee

The organizers would like to thank the participants for their contributions and great atmosphere of the meeting. There were 141 participants from 25 countries at the FLC-15 conference:

FLC-15 country representation

The registration is closed now.

Registration fee

CategoryEarly bird fee
   < 30 April 2015  
Regular fee
  < 1 June 2015  
On-site fee*
  28 June – 3 July  
Regular participant420 EUR500 EUR600 EUR
Student participant350 EUR400 EUR450 EUR
One-day participant100 EUR150 EUR200 EUR
Accompanying person150 EUR200 EUR250 EUR

*On-site payment could be arranged by cash only.

The registration fee for regular and student participants included:

The one-day registration fee included:

The registration fee for accompanying persons included:




Abstract submission has been closed.

Instructions for speakers

Standard facilities were available for oral presentations: conference PC laptop computer with Microsoft Windows operating system, data projector and laser pointer. The following presentation file formats were supported:

Hint: Consider providing your PowerPoint presentation in a PPS format so that it starts automatically as a slide show.

Details for poster presentations

The poster boards were 100 cm wide and 120 cm high (including edging frame) so the maximum poster size is approx. 96×116 cm. Please do not use self-adhesive tapes or Velcro which will not work. Pins will be available on site.

There were two poster sessions on Monday and Tuesday evenings. All posters were hanged during both sessions.

Special issue

Participants of the FLC-15 conference are encouraged to present papers also to the special issue of Ferroelectrics. Interested authors should prepare their manuscritps in the standard format for the Ferroelectrics journal, please see the Manuscript advice file (PDF). The manuscripts should be uploaded using our Manuscript submission form before July 15, 2015 (the final deadline extension).

The expected length of the manuscripts is 10–20 pages including the graphics. Detailed information on manuscript preparation can be found at the publisher's website. Please note that images should be submitted in the TIFF, PS or EPS file format, see artwork submission details.

For any questions or concerns please feel free to write to .



No pre-arranged accommodation was organized. A list of hotels and guesthouses within reasonable distance from the conference venue is provided here. The rates are approximate only, quoted per room per night including VAT.

List of Hotels

Art Hotel Meda**** (breakfast included)

Art Hotel Meda Meda hotel room
Single room:900 CZK
Double room:1100 CZK
Triple room:1500 CZK
Description:A new elegant hotel operated in a renovated classical building of 1930s.
Location:5 minutes walking distance
Address:Narodni obrany 33, 160 00 Prague 6
Phone:+420 603 373 242

Hotel DAP*** (breakfast included)

Hotel DAP DAP hotel room
Single room:1600 CZK
Double room:2600 CZK
Description:DAP – an abbreviation for Dum armady Praha (House of the Army, Prague) is an up-to-date, comfortable hotel, perfectly located in the centre of the Dejvice district.
Location:50 m from the conference venue
Address:Vitezne namesti 684/4, 160 00 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Phone:+420 973 211 444
Fax:+420 283 88 23 84

Diplomat Hotel Prague**** (breakfast included)

Diplomat Hotel Diplomat hotel room
Rooms starting from:2900 CZK
Description:Top-rated hotel.
Location:300 m from the conference venue
Address:Evropska 1, 160 41 Prague 6
Phone:+420 296 559 111
Fax:+420 296 559 207

Hotel Krystal*** (breakfast included)

Hotel Krystal Krystal hotel room
Single room:924 CZK
Double room:1344 CZK
Description:The CDMS (Centre of Post-Graduate and Management Studies) hotel can accommodate both business and leisure travelers.
Location:2 metro stops. Conveniently located within walking distance from Nadrazi Veleslavin metro station (direct bus 119 to the airport).
Address:Jose Martiho 2/407, 162 00 Praha
Phone:+420 220 563 411
Fax:+420 220 561 627

Hotel International Prague**** (breakfast included)

Hotel International Prague International hotel room
Single room:2800 CZK
Double room:2800 CZK
Description:Top-rated hotel offering luxury accommodation in 254 rooms of several categories and high-quality catering services.
Location:3 tram stops.
Address:Koulova 15, 160 45 Prague 6
Phone:+420 296 537 111
Fax:+420 296 537 266

Masarykova kolej*** (breakfast included)

Hotel Masarykova kolej Masarykova kolej room
Single room:1220 CZK
Double room:1590 CZK
Description:The Masaryk Dormitory offers a good-quality, reasonably-priced accommodation.
Location:15 minutes walking distance.
Address:Thakurova 1, 160 41 Prague 6
Phone:+420 233 051 111
Fax:+420 233 051 239

Hostel Dakura** (breakfast not included)

Hostel Dakura Dakura hostel room
Single room:550 CZK
Double room:750 CZK
Triple room:900 CZK
Description:Accommodation in 45 comfortably furnished single, double and triple rooms.
Location:10–12 minutes walking distance.
Address:Narodni obrany 544/7, 160 00 Prague 6
Phone:+420 800 97 33 42 26
Website 1:http://www.dakurahostel.com/
Website 2:http://www.dakurahotelprague.com/

Other options

The conference venue is conveniently located along the Dejvicka metro station, the green line A passing through the historical city centre. You can find more suitable hotels in Prague in all quality categories with easy connection to the conference venue. You can use an online booking system such as Booking.com.



Final announcement:  January 30, 2015 
Abstract submission:  April 15, 2015
 Acceptance notification:  April 16, 2015
Early registration:  April 30, 2015
Conference:  June 28–July 3, 2015 
 Final deadline for manuscripts:  July 15, 2015


Honorary chair: Milada Glogarova
Co-chairs: Vladimira Novotna
 Jiri Svoboda
Scientific secretaries: Alexej Bubnov
 Michal Kohout
IT-chair: Jan Pokorny

International Scientific Committee

Local organizing committee

We hope you will join us for this exciting event. Looking forward to meeting you in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere of Prague.



Conference contact address

Dr. Alexej Bubnov
Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Na Slovance 2, 182 21 Prague 8, Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 2 66052134
Fax: +420 2 86890527
web site: http://palata.fzu.cz/flc15/


Jan Pokorny
Institute of Physics, ASCR
Na Slovance 2, 182 21 Prague 8, Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 2 66052654
Fax: +420 2 86890527
web site: http://palata.fzu.cz/flc15/