
There is no conference fee. The registration and abstract upload is now closed, see the Deadlines section. The Workshop organizers would like to thank all the participants for their contributions.


As usual for COINAPO meetings, all participants from COINAPO member countries assigned for oral contribution will be fully reimbursed according to the standard COST travel reimbursement rules. Other participants can potentially be fully or partially reimbursed only in the case of budget surplus.

Working Group 1–4 Meeting

A general rule for WG1–WG4 meetings is that a maximum of 2 people from the same country from the same WG can be reimbursed, which in practice means a total of max. 8 people from the same country can be reimbursed (as they can always be formally redistributed into various WGs). This rule is valid also for people from the local organizing country.

Management Committee Meeting

Only 2 representatives from every participating country can participate in the MC meeting and also be reimbursed. This means if for instance both MC members from Italy will be present, MC substitute members can participate to MC meeting – but only as observers and they cannot be reimbursed. The possibilities per country are as follows: both MC members, one MC member and one MC substitute member, or 2 MC substitute members. 3 or more people from the same country cannot actively participate to the MC meeting and be reimbursed, even if they have a status of MC member/substitute member.